
I do recall vast swaths of season 4 being exceptionally wheel-spinny, but at its worst, it just became a solid hang-out show.

I do recall vast swaths of season 4 being exceptionally wheel-spinny, but at its worst, it just became a solid hang-out show.

This is a show I will never hate.

This is a show I will never hate.

Fs for some, miniature American flags for others!

Fs for some, miniature American flags for others!

Holy shit, then what's King of Queens?

Holy shit, then what's King of Queens?

Bless you, Genevieve.

Bless you, Genevieve.

Hey, I saw that one!

Hey, I saw that one!

Count me in for a verse!

Count me in for a verse!

The first time I listened to Loveless, I had a bit of a "the FUCK?" moment. I couldn't understand why it was so beloved, as all I heard was noise. It's incredible how much beauty and songcraft works its way to the surface on every subsequent listen.

The first time I listened to Loveless, I had a bit of a "the FUCK?" moment. I couldn't understand why it was so beloved, as all I heard was noise. It's incredible how much beauty and songcraft works its way to the surface on every subsequent listen.

"…it’s less frightening than gorily ritualistic/fetishistic…"

"…it’s less frightening than gorily ritualistic/fetishistic…"

