
I think that's "The Oasis Paradigm."

I think that's "The Oasis Paradigm."

"I always hated that song." "Yeah." "Now I kinda like it." "Yeah."

"I always hated that song." "Yeah." "Now I kinda like it." "Yeah."

I maintain that Bandslam is a movie that knows a lot of facts about music, but next to nothing about how people actually relate to it.

I maintain that Bandslam is a movie that knows a lot of facts about music, but next to nothing about how people actually relate to it.

I went to high school with a kid named Kevin McHale who kind of looks like Artie. It's not the same guy though. I didn't say it was an interesting story.

I went to high school with a kid named Kevin McHale who kind of looks like Artie. It's not the same guy though. I didn't say it was an interesting story.

I agree with this!

I agree with this!

Someone else did. Dammit!

Someone else did. Dammit!

Rufio! Rufio! RU! FI! OOOOOOO!

Rufio! Rufio! RU! FI! OOOOOOO!

I would actually enjoy that, most likely.

I would actually enjoy that, most likely.

I'm not surprised it didn't get mentioned, because who the fuck even remembers this movie, but the music in Bandslam is pretty goddamn laughable. They spend 80% of the movie forming this huge, diverse band and then decide a sappy-ass piano ballad is the perfect song to win the contest is absolute horseshit.

I'm not surprised it didn't get mentioned, because who the fuck even remembers this movie, but the music in Bandslam is pretty goddamn laughable. They spend 80% of the movie forming this huge, diverse band and then decide a sappy-ass piano ballad is the perfect song to win the contest is absolute horseshit.

I do, because I like things that are great.

I do, because I like things that are great.