
They do get better.

They do get better.

That version of "Try A Little Tenderness" fucking kicks ass.

That version of "Try A Little Tenderness" fucking kicks ass.



I re-watched part of that recently on MTV at 2 in the morning, drunk, which would seem to be ideal circumstances to enjoy it, yet that was the time I finally figured out that I hate Van Wilder. It's kind of a piece of shit. That being said, I actually do like Reynolds.

I re-watched part of that recently on MTV at 2 in the morning, drunk, which would seem to be ideal circumstances to enjoy it, yet that was the time I finally figured out that I hate Van Wilder. It's kind of a piece of shit. That being said, I actually do like Reynolds.

I loved Laurie's "Hey there."

Applesauce, bitch.

Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms.

I never knew I wasn't allowed to like Bring It On.

"You gotta get a home, motherfucker!"

Don't get me wrong, I think the film is brilliant. But there's so much about it that's disturbing and unsettling and it's ingrained into the film's DNA, so what makes the film such a success is also what makes it so upsetting.

I usually make a point to actually watch the scene being discussed, but not this time. I still don't think I'm ready to actively re-experience any part of this film.

What does it all mean? II doon't knoow!!


How would a "No" wear eyeliner?

I didn't see Drop Dead Fred until my early twenties. That was a mistake.

You just know the Clifford movie is going to have at least one scene dealing with the inherently comedic nature of a rather large dog's bowel movements. I CAN'T WAIT!!