
I am genuinely sorry for reminding you of its execrable existence.

I'm actually surprised at how much I like Eli, given that that guy was on Secret Girlfriend, aka The Worst Thing To Ever Happen To Television.

Was not expecting a Valleyfair shoutout, but appreciated it all the same.

Hey, me too! Minus the googling of the first reference. I learned something! Although I'll never not hear that in David Johansen's voice.

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus You have absolutely no idea how much better that makes me feel.

Is he a pirate?

I always thought it was "scream my bones out," which I admit doesn't make any goddamn sense, but I maintain is a better line.

I went into a Ragstock a few weeks ago and the punk chick working the counter had Mighty Mighty Bosstones playing over the speakers. Had to fight the urge to skank while waiting in line.

Has nobody gotten the memo I sent out about how fucking awful Anne Heche is?

But will that really Chang anything?

"The Glory of Love" by Peter Cetera was mine and I'm weirdly pleased by that.

Anytime I heard someone say it was stupid, all I could think in my head was, "Ummmm… it's The A-Team, what did you expect?"

I'm really starting to think I'm alone in this, but I fucking loved The A-Team.

In all seriousness, last year's Winnie the Pooh movie was all kinds of great.

Coming soon: Andy Serkis as Superman!

I hear he does cocaine.

I remember practically nothing of what actually happened in Waking Life as the film caused me to fight off sleep for its entire duration. I mean this as a compliment.

Yes, "monuments."

Anchorman 2: The Squeakquel

San Diegans.