
I'm not going to lie to you, that smells like pure gasoline.


I made it to the one with the Jersey broads and the sassy gay guys.

I really liked Mr. Sunshine. I also enjoyed Studio 60. Come at me.

I had just taken a sip of my delicious beverage and fortunately had swallowed before I read that, because had I not, the majority of it would now be residing down the front of my shirt.

"Brief Graphic Nudity"

Ah, Christine Lakin. Hot on Step by Step, hot now.

I saw a great one on a documentary: "PG for Historical Smoking."

@avclub-26e12e8ce3cf76d35b5ab714143378cd:disqus How could it not?

So that's a machine that dispenses machines that dispense ATMs?

Do they have ATM machines at the Comic-Con convention?

I love the first Brendan Fraser Mummy movie. Yes, love.

… because of course he is?

I hate you. I want to see that so bad, but Eau Claire gets cool movies approximately never. I nearly shit myself when Moon came here for a week.

Got that?

My first one I got across the chest. Yes, the sternum hurts like a sonofabitch. A year later I got one on the side of my calf. Hurt way less.

Doesn't have quite the same ring to it.

I look at Scorsese's version as his excuse to just play. There are so many camera tricks in that movie that he probably wanted to use before, but realized they would have looked tacky in his other movies, so he got his hands on a campy remake, told De Niro to ham it up nice and just went crazy. Good for him, I says.

I fell asleep during Ocean's 12. Part of that was me being really tired, but the bigger part was the fact that that movie sucked.

@avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus just made me laugh and ruined my day at the exact same time.