
Along with best use of CGI, this film also boasts one of the greatest supporting casts of any movie, ever.

Hate to nitpick, but the "…you always do that to me…" line implies repetition of a rule, which goes against the only rule of Calvinball.

I thought 2046 ended about a half hour later than it should. I remember thinking at a certain point, "It could end right now and be satisfying," but there was still a whole other subplot that hadn't been introduced.

I usually hate the argument of "everyone but you loves it, so who is probably wrong?" because it helps defend Transformers, Two and a Half Men, and Dane Cook, but when it's spread across so many different topics and happens as frequently as it does with Armond White, then yeah, who's probably wrong?

"…starring Adam Sandler as identical twins of different genders…"

I have almost the complete opposite of the reviewer's opinion. I loved this episode and would have loved it even more if there had been less exposition upfront. I appreciate that they let the image of Mac and Charlie in the Fedora and leather jacket go unremarked upon for a few seconds, but I wanted that image to

Did he get caught in Balsac, The Jaws of Death?

*uses breath spray nonchalantly*

Don't call him Mr. Scorpion, his name is Mr. Scorpio, but don't call him that either.

Does anyone else like "Junebug" as much as I do? As far as I can tell there's no real point to the song, but it's fun as hell.

I would just like to take this opportunity to provide some polite applause for Mr. O'Neal.

I was not implying that The Exorcist was a bad movie.  I was simply saying that Halloween unnerved me in a way that The Exorcist did not.

You can talk about The Exorcist all goddamn day, but Halloween is the scariest movie I have ever seen

Wait, someone's actually trying to take credit for The Expendables' screenplay?

I support your opinions on 127 Hours and The Walking Dead, but I will fight you over Black Swan.

I'm definitely a fan of this show, and absolutely wouldn't mind reviews, but at the same time I wouldn't begrudge them not reviewing it, as their really isn't any discernible story arcs aside from the Shawn and Jules thing, and the show isn't going to take any dramatic left turns at this point in its run, so a weekly

Shawn's wallet that he showed while trying to commandeer a vehicle had a pineapple inscription.

No, dickhead, sex.

Is it too much to ask that Springsteen just do it every year?

And shouldn't a potter's wheel have been involved somehow?