
Hey, you know, Twitter and stuff
Is noone going to comment on the hilariously unsubtle hashtag suggestion at the end? Because it was more-than-slightly ridiculous.

Hey, you know, Twitter and stuff
Is noone going to comment on the hilariously unsubtle hashtag suggestion at the end? Because it was more-than-slightly ridiculous.

My favorite Gob angry Michael moment comes when he finds George Sr. in the attic.

There's unlimited juice?
This party's gonna be off the hook!

I will say, I've had problems with the show and the sister character does annoy the crap out of me, but that ending did give me hope for the show. It wasn't the strongest episode, but the fact that they can hit a nice emotional beat like that was refreshing.

Well then, fuck it.

What the holy fucking shit?!
How did they do that?! Also, I want to see this in person! Anyone want to come with me?!

My sister texted me this morning that this was happening and my immediate thought was, "Yes! Big Butt Book!"

"Oh yeah, and there was a giant space whale!" Classic Zoidberg.

Is all I took away from this article.

@ted pikul They don't all suck, but it gets a bit spotty quality-wise ("The Manxman," anyone?).

I'm going to assume you're kidding, I can't imagine what could possibly cause someone to buy Topaz.

Well I've seen enough early Hitchcock material to know not to get my hopes up about the quality of this, but I'm still excited.

That seems like the best it can hope for at this point. So far it hasn't proven consistent enough to even be in the same conversation with Futurama or SP.

He does like computers.

I want to like this show more
My initial reaction to the show was that it was either going to be fantastic or terrible, no middle ground. I was wrong, they somehow figured out a way to make a mediocre show about a guy in a dog suit. However, Wilfred's phone call from his evil lab was probably the best thing that has


This will give them plenty of time to perfect Superman's abs.

"He finds Gordon in Bullock in the midst of an ambush."

Ditto Todd's selection of "Mack the Knife." My other staples are "The Humpty Dance" and Buster Poindexter's "Hot Hot Hot." FIESTAAAAAA!