
I'm as hesitant as the next guy when it comes to motion capture, but the last Tintin trailer actually looked really impressive. He even seems to have gotten the eyes right.


I watched Driving Miss Daisy a few months ago…
I found it delightful.

Probably off playing the Mamba.

kinda sucked. It was okay for the first verse, then it turned generic and shitty. I can see it becoming a gigantic hit.

Yeah, but…
Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms.

@urgh Thanks, though your avatar disturbs me.

This works out…
Because if there's anybody who's actually capable of foightin' 'round the world, it's Superman.

will he enter the danger zone?

You're unbelievable.

There was a scene in the sequel where Galifianakis (without looking that up. BOOM!) talks about them still being friends in Great Britain, and Ed Helms says "We'll see."

This guy…
He seems to have taken the "I'm not wearing hockey pads" line the wrong way.

This is still happening, then? That's too bad.

@Aurora Boreanaz The book sounds far more interesting than the movie because the book is far more interesting than the movie.

Bold statement
This probably isn't a good idea.

Yes, Stanley Tucci was quite good in it, and Ronan wasn't bad, either. The suckitude basically came from, oh… everything else.

it has to be better than The Fucking Lovely Bones, right?

You seem like a class act Shit McFuckenstein.

I swear it wasn't intentional, I just really miss Terriers.

Donal Logue was just on House, so it will probably be cancelled, right?