
I will punch you in the face. GWAR live is fucking awesome (and the music is way better than it needs to be, just sayin').

Season 2
I admit this season has been hit or miss, but I know that sometimes that happens when your entire season is produced before a single episode goes to air. So here's hoping season 2 irons out all the wrinkles and delivers some high-quality tv.

Mercy, I do believe I'm getting the vapors.

I still love Black Swan, all the same.

I can't wait 'til I'm old enough to feel ways about stuff.

Every Pan film you're making is wrong, I vants you to know zis.

I think you meant "or"
"Kaneda will most likely be played by Garrett Hedlund, Michael Fassbender, Chris Pine, Justin Timberlake, and Joaquin Phoenix." Either that statement is wrong, or this will apparently be the next I'M NOT THERE.

I think it's the mouthful of Smarties that really sells it.

Lloyd's delivery of that line in response to Ron's announcement that the Girls Gone Wild tapes had arrived is probably the best thing Charlie Hunnam did in the entire show.

Justin Guarini?

Agreed. I pretty much stopped reading once I saw this was by the same guy, confident in the knowledge that I want to see this movie.

The Phantom Menace was 12 years ago!
But it still hurts!

She just seems dumb 'cuz she's foreign… like Lloyd.
I'm gonna hurt you when you least expect it.

"it doesn't appear as though any fish will hit Brendan Fraser in the balls…"

Yes, that was the definite winner.

I would have. It's true, I loved the shit out of Scott Pilgrim. But to each his own, etc. etc.

This probably does suck, I wouldn't be at all surprised if that were the case, but I still have lasting memories of Tobias' SCOTT PILGRIM review making me doubt the grade.

Agreed, I didn't even kind of want to see this, but hearing that Berkely Breathed is involved in a roundabout way kind of changes my mind about it. Hmm.

Gold plating, eh?
The Academy really spares no expense, don't they?

I'll second the love for The A-Team. It's wildly stupid, but if ever there were a movie that needed to be wildly stupid, it's The A-Team.