
Babylon 5…
is a big pile of shit!

Yes, a cloud of cocaine. In my mental image of Sheen's house, there is literally cocaine everywhere making it impossible to even move without puffs of cocaine flying into the air.

Course credits available.

Intern wanted
Must: have basic typing skills, be able to use said typing skills through an ever-present cloud of cocaine, be willing to join porn families and the like, be large-chested.

When I was the trailer for this, the only thought in my head was, 'Well, someone clearly saw DARK CITY.'

You talkin' to me?
Remember? Remember when he said that in the movie?

"I'm gonna have to try and trim those claws"
In watching this episode, I was aghast (AGHAST!) at the sheer amount of sex in Batman's voice when he delivered that line. Kevin Conroy probably broke his jaw preventing himself from saying "in bed."

It's not about falling and there are some inherent timeline issues, but I would have to go with "I'm Dying Tomorrow" by The Alkaline Trio. It's about pondering your life, but loud, which I believe would help in this scenario.

Camera crew?
Somebody's filming this, right? This shit needs to preserved on video and broadcast. That's a reality show I would actually watch.

Fuck yeah Sean O'Neal
That Tumblr post thoroughly destroyed the mental image I had of Sean O'Neal, that is, a giant satisfied smirk with hands (with which to type).

Get off of there, you fiend!

Does this mean I'll finally stop seeing stories about this guy on the AP wire. 2-3 stories every goddamn day about Buju Banton that I can't post because nobody really cares. So hopefully it will stop now, yes? Please?

Tell us how you really feel.

Watched it this weekend…
And I agree. I'm sure there's a good omnibus movie to be made surrounding an important historical moment, but this isn't it.

Tobias, you consider Channing Tatum charismatic? Is their another Channing Tatum that I'm unfamiliar with?

Don't you hate Barry's wife?

Noone gives a y-job like Rosenberg.

I like the Robot Wars episode solely for Tim and Mike's debate about whether or not to keep the axe.

I didn't know this was being reviewed!

I don't read comics, but…
Those costumes look stupid.