
I, apparently, needed something to break
I spent a healthy majority of 8th grade listening to Limp Bizkit's 'Significant Other.' I am not proud of this.

I got the Terriers theme song stuck in my head the other day and got sad as well.

"Stop jumping and hit him!"

I can live with it.

Hey There Delilah
I'm going to admit that I actually genuinely like 'Hey There Delilah.' I bought the album it was on (before the song blew up, mind you) and even though it's bad high school poetry and ridiculously earnest, it was a welcome relief after an album full of achingly mediocre pop-punk.

The commentary
Judd Apatow's commentary during the scene where Steven is trying to crawl into the vent is hilarious.

Will it go on an indefinite hiatus?
One that hopefully never ends? Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease…

Are you sure? I think a mild case of canceraids should be given… you know, just in case.

Am I the only one who thinks Sanctum looks… oh what's that word… fucking boring?

Because every *time* Sorkin etc.

Because every Sorkin creates a show about televison, it becomes a runaway success!

"Elton John's life story to become "Moulin Rouge-type" movie…"
Because of course it is.

Hey now…
There are plenty who feel her work on Double Fantasy wasn't… completely disruptive.


Not from this episode, but mildly relevant
I always loved Ron's explanation of why they like hanging out with Hal. "Every dad is cool, but your own. Like, my dad is a big, fat moron and you guys'd love him."

Scott Pilgrim
I was hoping for Scott Pilgrim to nab a Visual Effects nomination… 'cause you know… it deserved it.

I did phrase the subject wrong. It's not O'Neal's fault that Kevin comes off as kind of a dick, here, it's Kevin's.

As much as this tried to make him sound like a dick…
I'm still excited for RED STATE. I admit it, I'm still a Kevin Smith fan.

What's The Tourist?

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines.