
I don't know if I'd go so far as to say I think Hot Rod is better than Happy Gilmore or Billy Madison, but it is certainly close.

If they make it more like HOT ROD and less like any of Sandler's latest 'funny' films, I will be more than happy to pay the admission.

Combo! Combo! Spin! Combo!

"So all you can do is make exasperated noises and swear at them."

Yup, Tobias was right. TOTALLY saw that coming.

I hated Step Brothers
I have nothing more to add.

I like 'Suddenly I See' just because it reminds me of my former coworker singing along to the backup vocals and nothing else, for some reason, even though she knew the whole song.

Wrong! The Crying Game was an hour and a half of tranny penis, I can prove it! (I can't actually prove it)

Thanks to this column, I went back and rewatched the whole series, and I had never noticed Perry's bit as the host before. Laughed my ass off, true story.

How dare you?!
How dare you not ask him about his role in The Crying Game?! Because if there's anything people remember from The Crying Game, it's Jim Broadbent!!!

You've Got Mail
To this day, if anyone mentions You've Got Mail, I will proceed to slur, "you've got Tom Hanks, you've got Meg Ryan, you've got a very likable… Greg Kinnear."

"Darlene Love (who sang on many of Phil Spector's biggest hits and somehow survived)"
Well-played, O'Neal. Well-played.

If they keep this under (or at the very least, no longer than) two hours and re-render some of those wonky-looking explosions this could easily be some high-quality escapist fun.

Andrew W.K.
played Silent Night right here!!! And he had a beer!!! Party Hard!!!

This undercover series is on thin ice…
The rest of the installments in this series had better be jaw-droppingly awesome, because so far we've had one song that has nothing to do with winter or the holidays (but hey, it has the word 'holiday' in it, amirite?!) and now two versions of the same damn song in a row.

You know what I think may have been the problem?
Poor marketing. Did I just blow your mind?


I don't think Duvall's seen many movies.

I loved Southland Tales
It's bat-shit crazy and it doesn't make a lick of sense, but goddamn was it entertaining, and quite frankly, that's all I need, sometimes.

While I agree that this wasn't Gloria's strongest episode ever and her story was entirely based on jokes about living in Colombia, I did greatly enjoy her putting her shoulder back in its socket Martin Riggs-style.