
As long as this distracts Depp long enough so that he forgets about wanting to remake The Thin Man then this is fine by me.

He'd have a better career if he didn't suck.

I found it funny that Donald Faison (who, while not a huge star by any means, did have a prominent role on a network sitcom for 9 years, albeit not a terribly popular one) is seen only in fleeting glimpses in the trailer for this. Did Eric Balfour become a huge celebrity without me noticing? And is it sad that I

Forget about the fucking toe.

Something about my glass house being made of meth… Walter White etc. etc.

BINARY SOLO! 0000001 00000011 00000111… and canceraids, etc.

I thought the exact same thing.

I still…
unobjectively love the shit out of this movie, and I always will. End o' story.

See above.


I want to see the fuck out this.

1! 2! 3! 14!

Except for the Sunshine Cleaning part.

Weird, it's like they're acting or something.

Missed it by that much.

Holy crap!
I think this is the first time I've actually seen everything they're talking about. Either I'm getting better at this or the AV Club is slipping.

Glad to hear…
It's not as bad as the trailer made it look. Because based on that, it seemed as though this would be the tropiest (I'll pretend it's an actual word) biopic in the history of biopics.

About a week ago…
I had a dream that The AV Club reviewed this and gave it an 'A.' I then woke up and immediately realized that had to be a dream because it was too retarded not to be. I then got pissed at my subconscious for not being more interesting.

I like Jaws
Yeah! suck on that!

The "Keri Russell as love interest" plotline
I really hope they abandon that. I want them to take what she said at the end of the episode about her being his friend and run with that. I feel the show would settle into itself much quicker and be much funnier that way.