
I won't see this
I saw Resident Evil and hated the ever-loving crap out of it.


I listened to roughly the first (I swear to God, I'm not attempting anything here) minute or so of all the songs, and while it's not Pinkerton-level, I at least give them credit for dropping the bullshit and getting back to straightforward power-pop. However, listening to all of it at full volume might change

What the hell is a jigawatt?!

What isn't funny about underwear?

@idiotking, it's a T, it goes 'tuh.'

Did she fucking say what I think she fucking said?!
"They clearly demonstrate a woman-hating temperament, which, in my opinion, is dangerous to women."

Agreed. I, too, was getting Secret Girlfriend connotations due to the basically arbitrary crassness, but at least this show made a couple half-assed attempts at actual jokes.

I'm glad someone mentioned this. It's these little moments that keep this show a few degrees off normal and they are the reason I love it so.

I saw a trailer for this a few months ago and I thought it looked like a melodramatic piece of shit. Turns out I was right. Woo! Go me!

Did you find it a trifle unnecessary to see the crack in the indian's bottom?

The most disturbing part of this is that National Treasure is apparently regarded as a "classic movie." (Shudders)

One of the greatest things ever?
Or the greatest thing ever? You be the judge.

Way late on this one
I finally saw this movie last night, and I, too, was taken with all the little details that added a perfect sense of realism (and almost surrealism, which is a sad commentary on the state of film today). For instance, the way the car door was locked when the daughter storms off, or the way Jack

No? No words.