Archie Bunker

I like this band (disclaimer: I grew up around Boston and work there now). Horse Lords are also excellent. Their last album, especially.

Higher Learning must've really jacked, whoops, I mean rubbed off on him.


I wish him ill will and canceraids.

Loop it around your neck, put a nail through the buckle-hole and fasten to ceiling, leap off chair.

Terrible and wrong opinions that are bad.

She's DOA henceforth. It's been proven, twice now, that she is unelectable.

An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

This is an extremely loose definition of "Classic Rockers".

Pretty cinematography. Better dialogue than most tv programming. Multitudes of reasons, really.

I'm not in it to split hairs or make cultural judgements. Rape is awful, no matter the victim, the perpetrator, the circumstances. To try and make it seem like it's a 'not so bad rape because X' or a 'hugely awful worst.rape.ever because AGENCY' is useless. Rape is rape and the nuances of rape aren't worthy of

And then?

And that only matters to people who give a shit about the rape of fictional characters. THEY'RE NOT REAL PEOPLE. No one was raped. It's all in your mind, and you see what you want to see.


All those words and no mention of who actually invented southern rock, The Swampers. Damn shame.

Jon betrayed Olly, Olly betrayed Jon. Olly got closure, he's good.

Well said.

Stephen Dillane is tremendous.

You, Sir, are the worst.

If it actually turned out to be Bowie (again) my head would explode.