Archie Bunker

And me. I've got to stop chanting "Jon Snow dies today" every time he's on screen.

I was repeating to myself throughout, "Jon Snow dies today". Phew.

THANK YOU. Sansa will do as little as possible. If I hear any more about how she's 'gained her own agency' I'll slit my own throat. She's learned to play the game, in a very limited fashion. Expecting her to become a great heroine in the roughly three years that have passed over 5.5 seasons is a huge stretch.

It does, including King's Landing, but Dorne just gets chilly, like North Florida in February.

D&D are Cheney-level NeoCons, obviously!

How dare you? There's never any room for nuance with rape scenes. They're offensive by nature!

Booooooo! Samwell is the savior.

Brienne has been on her way to Winterfell since Sansa refused her at the inn and went with Littlefinger instead. She was always going to go after Sansa, candle and flayed old lady be damned.

Correct. And Shireen explains this to the Onion Knight when she's teaching him to read in Season…3?

Interesting take.

"With the fairly blatant ways this show explores its themes, I feel it's showing us that the polar opposite to Joffrey is no better at keeping the peace than he was."

There's still four episodes to go, FYI.

He completely knew all along what would happen to her and he does not care.

Allow me a moment to collect my scattered mind off the floor.



WINNIE COOPER'S DAD! Totally remember him from the early episodes now.

Wholly agreed. He gives Caroline just as much, if not more, shit than he does Shirley and Dawn this season. It's less that he's racist and more that he doesn't like three people doing one person's job and no one being able to tell him what the hell is going on.

But…..Harry's wife sucks.

Freddy Rumsen is Joel Murray.