Jungle Batman

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Also: "Don't you flinch when I'm talking to you! I made seven million dollars last year! I am not to be trifled with!"

"You carry the statutes on rape around with you?"

"God dammit, Sarge."
— Seriously the only line of dialogue I remember from SWAT, because Josh Charles said it.

I think that habit is probably why he vacations in Cambodia.

Formal Batman obviously disagrees, but my wife and I saw a Dan/Natalie relationship as well-nigh inevitable and perfectly matched. They were both insane in the right ways for each other.

Is there any way Dan and Casey could come back for a guest appearance on "The Newsroom?" I mean, Olbermann is going back to ESPN, so it's possible, right?

Actually, parts of it are.

Her positions on both Secret Santa and honey-roasted nuts are just two more reasons Natalie is awesome.

Let's just say Muhammad Ali and be done with it.

In interviews, Morrison has said he'd written the JLA scripts before DC let him know about the electric Superman, and had to change some stuff to accommodate it. It worked out OK, but I really wish we could have gotten his entire JLA run of classic, red-and-blue tights Superman.

True. But I bet it came up in the writers' room.

I always thought Kilmer was playing Bruce Wayne as Clark Kent.

"I’ve talked about my dislike of Batman’s jetpack…"

This is where I suppose I'll put what is just screamingly obvious about Abby: SHE'S A TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE THERAPIST.

What's sad is that they really are not, for the most part.

Formal Batman, can I just say — one Batman to another — how much I like it that you've taken the best parts of Sports Night into your life?

I can see I'm going to have to change my avatar to Hank in that costume.

What's really great about the Hanged Man, to me, is how sparingly he's used. He's supposed to be the Spectre/Mr. Justice analogue in this world, but unlike the Spectre, he only shows up when it's really dire. Makes him perfectly ominous, and not just another superhero showing up for the latest crisis.

That shot where Danny rushes the camera is just perfect