tom r

To date Ginger has not appeared on screen. That doesn't mean we won't eventually see her, but for now she appears to be Bob's Burgers answer to Cheers' Vera Petersen.

It's one of life's great ironies; Comedy (animated or otherwise) is a very serious business.

No probs. If you follow the arc of the S:TAS Luthor through to the end of Justice League Unlimited you get visual nods to most of the previous takes on the character; The '60s Luthor who never seemed to have time to change out of his prison grays between jailbreaks, the purple & green costumed villain Luthor of the

Just remember that before 1986, Lex Luthor was nothing more or less than a mad scientist who's sole motive for seeking revenge against Superman was that he blamed him for the accident that made his hair fall out back when they palled around as kids. One of the goals of the Byrne/Wolfman reboot of the Superman mythos

To each his own, I guess. I found The Wind Rises to be an enjoyable-but-lesser Miyazaki effort and Princess Kaguya a visually stunning film plagued with deep story/structural problems.

Only if it looks like the slapfests that became a runner at the end of Archer Vice.

A couple of years ago at Comic-Con the Bob's Burgers panel (this was before they moved it to the bigger venue of the Indigo Ballroom in subsequent years) was immediately preceded by the Warner Archive Collection panel which featured Michael Gray promoting the "Shazam" DVD release. Perhaps he met Jon Benjamin there

Okay. Now I'm intrigued.

Sorry, but soup is already on the menu. Mort orders it frequently.

You are not. Hmmmm… Maybe THAT'S the way to work Archer into an episode of Bob's; the coup d’état that deposed President Branca.

That would be kind of great.

To say nothing of all of the souvenirs from her bat mitzvah that were decorating her room.

Perhaps. As my problems go, it's pretty low on the list.

I live to serve.

Better than "Shinobu?"

It doesn't, but it's fun that the kids think it might.

Henry's little brother is Hogarth Haber, a classmate of both Louise and Wayne.

To my mind, I don't think that Gene has ever been depicted as being stupid, or at least no more stupid than your average 11 year old. Certainly not "dumb as a rock." Flakey, yes. Unfocused, sure, but that's not the same thing as outright stupidity.

Yes, and clearly this is a scenario for her future that she's put a lot of thought into. Also, check out the drawing itself in the frame grab at the top of this page and you'll see that grown up Louise is still wearing the bunny ears.

Not even the first time on Bob's Burgers. Snyder was the voice of Pud in Season 4's "My Big Fat Greek Bob." They're also heard together in several episodes of The Venture Bros. in which Snyder plays The Alchemist and Benjamin plays The Master, Doctor Orpheus' other-dimensional sensei. Wouldn't surprise me to find