tom r

"Fun" not "fine."

Interesting, though, to note that Louise now relegates her long standing nemesis Millie to the role of a toady/henchperson while giving the role of the big bad to Chloe Barbash.

We saw a lot of Gretchen in "Nude Beach." A lot. Of. Gretchen.

Oh, ye of little faith…

His poor, shark-tooth-dented, barely-repaired ice cream machine.

She voices Olsen Benner, the TV reporter who shows up from time to time.

I think that Bob being really stoned for most of the episode provides cover for that.

Yes! Absolutely this!

Trev can be a mensch when he wants to. He helped the kids out with their impromptu busking at the end of "Itty Bitty Ditty Committee."

Props to Rudy though, for both his spot-on Marcel Marceau costume and his commitment to not breaking character. He deserved the win.

Bakeneko's book was a tankoubon, a smallish paperback volume collecting the chapters of a manga series that are first published in weekly magazines. They do read from back to front (from the perspective of english readers) so it was a quite authentic detail.

One correction: It's "Kuchi Kopi." Not "Kucha." Not a mistake you want to make around a nightlight toy with a penchant for egging on murder. Otherwise, carry on.

Actually, Warren Fitzgerald was mentioned as the name of Bob's childhood friend in one of the show's early episodes. Can't remember offhand which one but I'll update when I figure it out. The point being, I think the name preceded the establishment of any character details.

Zeke is one of the most giving characters on the show. He always seems more focused on others than on himself. Tina could do a lot worse.

This is what the show has established and it's one of the arguments for not having the characters age. Were Tina and her classmates to age a year they would graduate from Wagstaff and move on to high school, limiting their interaction with Gene, Louise and their classmates.

I think it's a combination of the character becoming more "lived in" by Roberts and the writers discovering the specific traits of her personality. And maybe our ears becoming more accustomed as well.

The "official" 100th episode, as in the 100th episode to go into production, will air as one of the two season finale episodes in May.

In a series full of dry line deliveries, Tim Meadows' performance as Mike Wobbles deserves special mention.

Lenny Destefano appearance!

Yeah, I think you're on to something re: Louise's resemblance to Linda. IMO, she's bundled a lot of her identity as an individual into those ears.