tom r

IMO there are more laughs in "The Gayle Tales" but there's something truly joyful about "The Frond Files."

By the way, J. P., whenever I read your handle my mind's ear hears it as if it's an outraged exclamation by John Vernon as Dean Wormer. "McPICKLESHITTER!

"…of my underpants."

Thanks to the anti-vaxxers it's making a comeback.

It was $450.00 generated by Linda and Louise pawning the restaurant's espresso machine. It's an open question as to whether or not sales of espresso at Bob's could have made the purchase of the machine pay off had it not been pawned.


Your Moment of Meta #1:
Henry Haber was introduced in "Carpe Museum" where he was vastly overshadowed by the first appearance of Season 3's break-out supporting character, Regular Sized Rudy. Now, in his return appearance, his capacity for being ignored has become part of the fabric of his character and a key element

I doubt that Trev is anything more to Jimmy than a lackey. My guess is that as the Anti-Bob, Jimmy's personal life is such a wreck that he's incapable of maintaining a relationship with any kind of significant other for very long.

The little mark on his back that looks sort of like his nose and mustache? That's the unfinished tattoo he was forced into by Bronconius in"Equestranauts" from late in Season 4.

Don't say "slash" in a mortician's basement.

Don't kid yourself. Jeb is running. Bush jokes are evidently incapable of becoming dated.

Oh, it's out there. And it is "out there."

A roof garden might not be a doable/affordable solution. The added weight of a depth of soil suitable for planting plus water might require expensive structural improvements that would need to be authorized by Fischoeder. Given the general appearance of the building and that the roof has been known to leak when it

I hesitate to think about pairing Louise off with anyone. She's 9. That being said, her relationship with Rudy is very sweet and it's easy to imagine that friendship enduring into a future we won't be privy to.

Sometimes a slap is just a slap.

Well played, my friend.

Jimmy appeared in both "Work Hard or Die Trying, Girl" and "Best Burger."

Dare I hope that this is the episode that puts an end to the Louise/Logan shipping for good and all?

Where the "New 52" DC is concerned, that's a feature, not a bug.

I don't know. That sounds to me like a one night encounter followed by immediate regrets, recriminations and psychological backsliding.