"I got a full-on robot chubby."
I maybe the only man in America who thinks Rachel Ray is totally worthy of some 'deep interrogation' for her suspicious terroristic activities…Rachel is totally badass.
"I got a full-on robot chubby."
I maybe the only man in America who thinks Rachel Ray is totally worthy of some 'deep interrogation' for her suspicious terroristic activities…Rachel is totally badass.
I said, "Get on My Body"
What a punk.
Mo' Better Babies
I live here in Arkansas and the Duggars are a combination attraction/embarressment. Most people are tolerant, but think it is slightly insane for this family to be so large. There has also been the argument that if this was a black family with 18 members, that there would not likely be any tolerance…
All further comments should stop now. "OH GREAT" has won the battle….for now.
"With his weight ballooning to well over 300 pounds and his most recent TV appearances—including an awkward Conan segment where Lange regaled the crowd with hilarious tales of his out-of-control coke and crystal meth habit,"…this was from the April 11th Friday Buzzkill section of The A.V. Club
You know, the thing about meth is, well, it is just not a 'funny' drug. Pot…kinda innocent. Coke…had it's glamorous side. Meth…just nothing funny or glamorous about it. Got friends who did pot,coke, even heroin..mostly still the same as they ever were and most have been successful in living a normal life. My friends…
Uh…I actually seen a guy do just that very thing…Bro. Most of the time I find them amusing, but occasionally they are too stoned to even be out of the apartment. The funny thing is that this happens to me quite often in a college town in Arkansas that the locals call 'Fort God'.
Trisomy 23
He looks like he has Down's Syndrome. I hate college frat stoners with a passion. They piss me off with their khaki shorts, sandles, and their "Hey Bro". I really makes me mad when I am behind them at the gas station and it takes these idiot stoners 10 minutes to fumble through their wallet for money to pay…
Two Franks
I like what you said about Sinatra making 'albums' and being one of the first to go for the 'concept album'. I always get a feeling listening to his work that HE was in control of HIS sound. It is a great artist who knows their likes,strengths,and weaknesses and who can build an album around that. There was…
Hey, Soma ain't a fictional drug. Soma is a very popular muscle relaxant. It is also very popular with the local meth-addicts along with hydrocodones and xanax.
Mullet Aide
"Stars"…it is like 20 episodes of Metalocalypse rolled into one. Wow!
Lesbian Homocide
I get the feeling that video…or any of her videos, should have Daffy Duck or Buggs Bunny stopping in the middle of the screen and going "She's Silly isn't She.?"
Or better yet…Rammstein In a Can!!!!!
That last picture in the article reminds me so much of those car wreck/autopsy photos….You know, where the victim is horrifically mangled and there is this blindingly detailed photo of the carnage….and yet, you can't stop looking.
I wonder if Rammstein would eat this? Keine Lust indeed.
There used to be one across from Banister Square Mall.
Wow, thank you for mentioning Bruce Hornsby. In 1988 I worked at a K-Mart in Kansas City MO as a part-time job during college. Every hour they would play "Valley Road" and "The Way it Is" on the store radio. I still really enjoy both those songs, even if they do remind me vaguely of stocking lysol and toilet…
Phil is God
Early 80's, Genesis, this song, just plain awesomeness. I remember when this song came out. Phil looks amazingly like a dude I used to work with at the steel-mill. That greasy bastard would always come up to someone at lunch and ask…."you gonna eat all that?"
Re: Rivethead
I read "Rivethead" about 10 years ago and it just blew me away. I spent my 20's in hardcore factory jobs and the truths and observations of Ben Hamper in that book hit home.
Dreamin' My Dreams
'Rambling Man" and "Dreaming My Dreams" are two of Waylon's best albums period…"Dreaming My Dreams" is my favorite only because it is so confident and laid back. The man was in his stride on that one.
"too pure to live"…I really think that is funny considering all the 'earnest' and 'pure' roles that kid had.