None for the Dudes
I am a man, and a nurse. I am very offended that Ms. Heigl has put forth a line of scrubs that blatantly ignores the needs of male nurses. That is incredibly sexist….as I go off to cry.
None for the Dudes
I am a man, and a nurse. I am very offended that Ms. Heigl has put forth a line of scrubs that blatantly ignores the needs of male nurses. That is incredibly sexist….as I go off to cry.
Shotgun and a Taurus
See, here in the heart of Arkansas, a Taurus with a shotgun taped to the hood is actually a very convienient and lethal deer hunting weapon. And Lord knows we got tons of Tauruses and Shotguns. Keep your puny Xbox 360, I'm going hunting!
Amen. And one of my friends had an Evel Knievel bicycle…just plain awesomeness, especially with a baseball card in the spokes. The 70's were actually kinda cool. We had Evel, Bigfoot, and awefull green shag carpeting. And Evel was a PERSONALITY which made his bone crushing stunts bearable.
Showing my age, but when I was 7 I had this awesome Evil Knievil motorcyle that you put on a little launch rame and pulled a cord for it to take off from. Me and my friends had many fun hours with that thing.
I will never be an actor, but I am fascinated over the rise-and-fall of these actors. What makes one artist "cute" and what makes another artist "hungry and lean"….and you know which ones usually survive to have a long career.
The Mundacity!
Wow! I just can't imagine playing a white rapper named Cage can equal De Niro in 'Raging Bull'. But I been wrong before. Project Green Light?
Say Anything
Tapeheads…they were in the movie as a band.
dress code
Better Off Dead…one of the best movies of my teens.
And does Mr. Cusak always wear that overcoat? How many movies has he worn that overcoat in?
Maybe I am hallucinating.
LA Song
Although not a clear kiss-off to LA…I really like Deconstruction's "LA Song"….