b nimble b quick

So Cynthia Nixson is Queen Latifah?

He would have laughed
if not for the fear that TMZ would get the tape.

Monster: The Autobiography of an L.A. Gang Member was excellent.

Have you seen the one about the mouse plague in Australia? Ugh.

What's Love Got to Do With It?

second that

Today was a good day
I got a bonus at work and now this…nice.

Excuse me for not remembering what site I was posting to and the assholes that populate it.

My grandma had it framed for me…nice frame too.

My Uncle gave me X-Men
and that's all it took to get me hooked.

I had a friend that worked at Wendy's and said they used old hamburgers in the chili…I haven't eaten Wendy's chili since.

Let the right one in
For people who tell me they don't like to read movies? Bastards.

Two steps forward? And two steps back?

Fuck PETA. Cows would die off if not for us (and their deliciousness). At least that's what that "After Man" series told me on Discovery.

@prune tracy

Reality TV killed the Sitcom…and cartoon network, goddamn Total Drama Island.

My childhood is dying…golden girls dropping like flies; mcmahon; and now this.

I'm going to take this opportunity to express my hatred of clowns
and to a lesser extent Kabuki actors and mimes. I have an unnatural fear of them. Probably the face paint.

Best Michael Douglas role?
