i dont care for gob

This is exactly how I feel. I try to explain to my parents why I get so upset talking about this election and the subhuman who was elected; and it's because it's not just a difference of political opinion. This election ruined the belief I had that most Americans are decent human beings who want us all to succeed.

Fingers crossed!


This is my new favorite comment of this year.


I don't know if this just because this week has been the fucking worst but this movie really got to me. I was an emotional, sobbing mess in the theater for basically the last half hour. The idea of time being nonlinear and being able to see your future and how good or bad it could be hit me so hard. In my eyes this

I have decided, after much consideration to cut this show from my life; much like one would do to a necrotic limb. Because I can only handle watching so much pain and suffering. So goodbye cruel show, we'll always have the first six seasons (minus that bullshit on the farm).

This show has turned into my favorite comedy on tv. The cast is incredible and every character is so well developed and they all actually care about each other. It reminds me of parks and rec in that way. Also want to know what is not dumb? Gina's sweatshirt. I would like to purchase that immediately please.

I know this show isn't perfect but the things I like greatly outnumber the things that I didn't. Also being able to time travel is my greatest fantasy in life so I'm sucker for anything like this. And yes I may have teared up when Lincoln got shot in front of Lucy but I'm going to blame that one on allergies.

I totally agree with all of this. I am so thankful for Samantha Bee and this gift of a show. She just voices everything I'm thinking and feeling but in the funniest way possible. It's a cathartic experience for me watching it and I thank god everyday she got her own show just in time for this dumpster fire of an

I went back and watched everything she did previously because I was so enchanted by her in that movie.

Oh man yes. He is just so talented.

Jessica Chastain is definitely mine. I will follow her to the end of the earth. I see her name and I'm 100% in. No regrets.

This show though. I have so much sadness, anger and regret when I think about it. Am I going to watch the new season? Yep, but only because I'm apparently a masochist.

My favorite parts of this show are Sue and Mel's excellent puns they sneak in every episode and the fact they actually show real, decent humans being kind to one another. Basically this show warms my cold, bitter heart.

I'm going to miss him. Obama not Jimmy Fallon, just to be clear.

Gary's face when he walked in on Tom and Selina is one of the best things I've ever seen. Tony Hale should win all the awards just for his non-verbal expressions alone. Also Selina is a badass.

I love Terry Crews. That is all.

Besides the shock value of this bullshit decision I can't think of another reason they would decide to do this. I hope Joe Simon and Jack Kirby haunt their asses.

I honestly thought this episode was an A+. It's the most I laughed all season and basically every character got a standout moment. Also fucking JONAH RYAN running for congress is the greatest thing to ever happen.