i dont care for gob

Fuck you ABC. I don't really have anything else to add but I'll miss this show a lot.

The scene with Elizabeth and Don devastated me. I literally couldn't watch I was so upset by what was happening. And the worst part was how upset Elizabeth seemed about it. First season Elizabeth would not have hesitated to do that.

"Why am I persecuted?!"

And he was never heard from again.

This show though. That scene with Martha talking to her parents destroyed me. This episode is the epitome of why it's my favorite show on television.

"Life gives you Yemen, you make yemenade."
I missed this show

My dad turned to me and said "Is Gabriel practicing his Irish accent?" I wish

Man this show is just so good. I don't understand how it is not the most watched drama on television. Every moment and nuance is so beautifully planned and acted it amazes me every week. I honestly was not prepared for what happened to Nina but I'm so happy they had the balls to do what was necessary to her character.

"I don't know what I expected."

I can't believe it. I mean I had a horrible feeling this is what would happen but I thought Gimple and Kirkman had more respect for the fans than to pull such bullshit. Can you imagine how much more effective this would have been if we knew who died? The sadness and shock we would be feeling? But instead they took the

I just can't believe this beautifully twisted, perfectly crafted show is over. I've spent the past three years this show has been on singing its praises, trying to get everyone I know to watch it. It didn't always work out but I've never regretted the time and love I devoted to this gift of a show. There has never

I missed this show so so much. Selina's team is the biggest mess ever and it is just amazing to watch the crap they go through which they usually happen to be responsible for.
Selina Meyer is my everything:
"I'm used to dealing with angry, aggressive and dysfunctional men, i.e.: men."
"Just end high school in ninth

I've been keeping my hopes up for something, anything having to do with my beloved Happy Endings coming back but like so many of my dreams they were crushed into teeny tiny pieces. I guess I will just wallow in my paj-overalls instead.

I usually don't comment but I couldn't resist after this episode. I can't even begin to comprehend what an incredible episode of television this was. I don't think I've ever been more effected by a single scene of anything on television as I was when Paige confronted Philip and Elizabeth. The writing, acting and

gags like this are one of the many reasons this show is so great

Pie-mary is one of the best episodes of any television show I have ever seen. I will never be over the perfection of "Men's rights is nothing." I have never felt the need to clap during a comedy show before this. I am going to miss this show so much.

This episode wasn't nearly as great as last weeks but I really appreciated seeing a cardboard box with "fort" written across it in the background of the server room.
"Your authority is not recognized in fort kick-ass."

That scene in the bathroom should be on every TV comedy highlight reel for the rest of time. I was crying I was laughing so hard. I am going to miss this show and this wonderful comment section so much.

This episode will stay with me for a long time. The atmosphere, acting and writing was haunting and moving, and Eva Green was incredible. That was what I call a masterclass performance.

"Baseball, baseball, baseball, look at my muscley chest.
Vote for me."