il rivoluzionario incompetente

this scene, in which Ren gets so mad at Stimpy that he goes full circle to a kind of strange calm, is sublime: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

you're way more likely to discover good new bands on /mu/ than on here

and a little bit cunty


Rumored to have connections to the Canadian junta.

Alex DeLarge

He's cute and has a funny catchphrase, bitch.

Wow, I've never seen this video before. That really is an butt-ugly cartoon duck, even by cartoon duck standards.

It's a shame poor Badger doesn't have any non meth-related skills to bring to the table.

He's going to marry Lydia, raise a brood of little psychos and live creepily ever after.

They don't want to be confused with the GNAA.

It's ridiculously obvious that we're only getting this much Harrow because of the fandom. The writers have no clue what to do with him post-Jimmy.


We don't know… Did Walt just flounce for trivial reasons or was it a "jump before you're pushed" type scenario? Kind of a critical factor in if his sense of aggrievement is at all justified, I'd say.

Wow… yeah that Salon piece is pretty vile. How small-souled do you have to be to actually think like that.

It's terrible compared to Babycakes and Wizard People. Maybe the Adult Robot Chicken Swim idiots got their hooks into it.

Yep. Just because she never poisoned a kid or bombed a nursing home, doesn't mean she isn't a shitty human being.

@Dog is My Co-Pilot

I first started to dislike Walt  quite early on, due to his treatment of Jesse. His hand was (arguably) forced with regard to a lot of his subsequent Machiavellian assholery, but the way he talks down to Jesse, and makes him do his dirty work because that's all he thinks he's good for… dick move.

Yeah we still really need some closure on the Grey Matter story.