il rivoluzionario incompetente

Probably no one special. Someone, probably Marie, goes to the media, and it becomes common knowledge that Walt = Heisenberg. So yeah, maybe one of the kids skating in the pool.

Sure, Hank dies honorably, but rewatch Season 1 and tell me he didn't start out as an unbearably arrogant prick. Ditto Marie; when we meet her she's a neurotic child-woman. Their characters only develop through adversity.

the extra stuff is probably for some kind of pay-per-click deal

Heresy alert: Beastie Boys. They went from nihilistic children to sanctimonious prigs without the "decent human being" part in the middle. Good music though.

It's weird that Futurama nearly got written off as mean-spirited, what with Seth McFarlane being given free reign to smear his leavings all over the airwaves.

Maybe you SJWs should check out some art/entertainment for grown-ups, instead of watching trash then whining about its trashiness.

Something that says… "Dad likes leather".

Chapeau, stop slut-shaming Skylar you misogynistic fanboy.


She's not talking to you, Beavis. She's talking to that Dove model by the pool.

"The Ballad of Big Caboose is definetly better than My Broken Friend"

Ok I was bored enough to try this. Only funny part:

Yeah I agree this one's too close to call. If it was anywhere else than Tumblr I'd say troll.

Itchycoo Park? Light My Fire?

The thing is though, this song is crappy in a specifically female way. Imagine trying to explain why Limp Bizkit suck without using the words 'frat boy', 'testosterone', 'douche', 'sweaty', 'date rape', etc… not easy.

hey, they got her to use a glass. what more do you want?

I think I wanna quit this band. This is a song about a woman's problem, and it's disgusting.

hi Zach.