il rivoluzionario incompetente

Daintily masculine feelings = laughable
Daintily feminine feelings = SERIOUS CULTURAL CRITIQUE

"AV Club is too good for you."

it's potentially funny depending on the context (like pretty much anything) but the kind of people who find it inherently amusing clearly have some issues.

The Jezebel mindset is an inevitable consequence of telling women that all the 'real problems' in the world are Patriarchy i.e. someone else's fault by definition. If a person believes they can never affect others in any significant way, they feel simultaneously frustrated and unaccountable, leading to the

B-b-but "the personal is political" right??

Working class = someone who works but is still poor. Liberals use this term indiscriminately because it implies that the underclass would like to work but just can't find jobs (untrue).

shooting Mike was what made me finally stop rooting for Walt even a little bit, even though Mike was arguably a 'bad guy'.

"creator canon" is TvTropes fanboy bs. directors tell specific actors specific things to get the performances they need.

"he dumped her when he visited her wealthy family"

did i read that right? she was going to guest on the record, but it sounded too dudebro-ey and made her feel all icky, so she recorded a totally radical and hilarious made-up rape allegation instead?

the exact same kind of social privilege in this thread that Kathleen Hanna used in her work, the moral arbiter role, "he is crazy and hates women and smears feces on walls".

That's a hell of a lot of words to say that the white man is the devil, and everyone else is a martyr whose shit smells like roses.

"We don't know how to play but we're fucking angry, right? 1, 2, 3, 4…"

Practical magnetic tape recording was still decades away.

"his full-album cover of Nirvana’s Nevermind"

Because City of God is an incredibly obscure piece of avant-garde cinema that only film nerds would have heard of, not a simple morality play with lots of guns and tits that a hick like Kenny would be able to understand?

"What's the point? You could do that for literally any type of behavior, including murder. "

hush, sweet child.

as soon as I got a phone that could play back samples (2005, I think) I made a screaming Homsar ringtone.

Speccy twat realizes he's a oppressive chauvinist and assumes every other dude is as well, because ego.