junior minty

Silly! There is no basement in the Alamo!

Amen. If it is possible to be even more airless, she managed it. And I love her. And it made me sad.

Isn't the Ceelo sketch just the Ladies' Man reinvented? Wasn't the Ladies' Man lame the first time?

At least every 28 days.

So distracted by the misspelling that all else fell away leaving me twitching until she left. Like the crazy blood girl who gave good cry, Sara J gave good cry too. Surprised that Bravo didn't work that up into an ad too, with happy clown we're-making-fun-of-sensitive-people music. Although in Sara's

Thought he talked about abandoning sports as being part of life in the Midwest that he wanted to leave behind. Not offended, as there is hideousness here, but don't mallign my fair borough by associating his awful, AWFUL catsuit bursting zipper ass dress with its population when it was clearly the equivalent of a

Is it possible that Lil Wayne has made teenagers think that they can hold a job with a face tattoo? Can I tell you how horribly I worry when I teach a 17 year old with "hot bitch" inked across her hairline. Unsure if even a good hairnet/hat would clean her up for fast food. And then there's the guy with a biohazard

Um, isn't orange a big thing over there?  A really big thing?

With a lil' Neil from Pet Shop Boys mixed in too. Like 3 of my favorite bands had an orgy and a baby! Was fun while it lasted, although the 2nd cd is a bit of a bum.

but the taint is my favorite body part!

yep. In the middle of the road.

Release the Stars has a few good tunes on it. Going to a Town is a pretty great 9/11 kiss off to a self-obsessed USA. Tiergarten has some nice production touches that remind me of Want One. Same with Sans Souci. As for All Days Are Nights.. it is all about mourning momma. Almost all solo piano and sadness without much

I couldn't understand half of what she was saying. I don't know if it is because of poorly placed fake teeth mouth appliances, but the opening was unintelligible. The Mae West thing was also hard to understand. I played it back with the closed captions on and the typist in India couldn't figure out what the fuck she

Perry or Romney?

Who's on top? Cruise or Travolta?

Saw the Green tour with Indigo Girls opening before they broke at the Colliseum in Memphis. Stipe came out and sang his duet with them (Kid Fears) and it was the only time that the crowd didn't boo or shout "Dykes!". It was pretty amazing. Joined in around Life's Rich Pageant and robbed my meager savings to buy

Awww…. it's not that bad. Wonderful Life is pretty good, and Dead Man in My Bed brings back fond memories.

My hair is yellow and my eyes are green… NO it's the other way around suckaz! See you when they dig you out of the basement!

"mumble mumble mumble" FOR-EVAH!

Needs more rhythmic gymnastic ribbon dancing