junior minty

On Twitter Ru said that she says it that way because she is continuing a tradition that Latoya Jackson began introducing Ivy at some casino in Nevada.

And Jesus! I had to watch that Seduction video for a long time before I guessed that Michelle was the blonde one. My god. While bleach and makeup are by nature temporary, time has not been kind. Neither has her plastic surgeon.

And Jesus! I had to watch that Seduction video for a long time before I guessed that Michelle was the blonde one. My god. While bleach and makeup are by nature temporary, time has not been kind. Neither has her plastic surgeon.

Agreed that Jujubee gives good mouth, but Latrice never overwhelmed me much with _anything_ but her flawless lip synching. Both she and Juju do that wobble lip thing around a big mouth that just sells the shit out of it. Raven's lips are so plumped that it was hard to see how she was doing such a good job on stage. As

Agreed that Jujubee gives good mouth, but Latrice never overwhelmed me much with _anything_ but her flawless lip synching. Both she and Juju do that wobble lip thing around a big mouth that just sells the shit out of it. Raven's lips are so plumped that it was hard to see how she was doing such a good job on stage. As

And thank you Ru for giving me distraction while Sandy was flooding my city. Mother Nature served up some disaster movie realness, and now we just have to eat it.

And thank you Ru for giving me distraction while Sandy was flooding my city. Mother Nature served up some disaster movie realness, and now we just have to eat it.

I used to get Shannel and Raven confused. No longer. Shannel was giving Ricki Lake fat girl realness in the runway. And she did not intend to do so.

I used to get Shannel and Raven confused. No longer. Shannel was giving Ricki Lake fat girl realness in the runway. And she did not intend to do so.

Um.. No. A very twinky Cary Grant. And my GAWD! Such an amazing scene of borderline racist insanity. Best halloween costume ever.

Um.. No. A very twinky Cary Grant. And my GAWD! Such an amazing scene of borderline racist insanity. Best halloween costume ever.

Favorite SWC episode of all here. For me, it was the moment when Jerri knocled over Tammi's milk at the cafeteria table and it immediately turned into a Lifetime portrait of an abusive relationship. Sublime!

Favorite SWC episode of all here. For me, it was the moment when Jerri knocled over Tammi's milk at the cafeteria table and it immediately turned into a Lifetime portrait of an abusive relationship. Sublime!

I actually got to see the dress rehearal of this one (yay free tickets) and as we walked out, I asked my friend what he thought they would cut from the live show. The 80 year old woman walking in front of us with the bright dyed red hair turned and shouted "All of it!". I liked the opening, but other than that I'd

When she came out in her video as gospel queen, I was convinced. Latrice could be the savior of OWN if she wanted it.

So there was both a Whitney shout-out and a Don Cornelius-ish themed walk off. The real question is, who else does Ru have voodoo dolls of in her basement?

Anybody can have Danni

"You're channeling both Elvis and Elvira - you're Elvirus and it's catching."

I felt so dirty when I recognized Jennifer Gimenez when she first showed up a few weeks ago. Then I wondered if Brandi was a client and she was a sobriety monitor. Then I wondered why I even had this train of thought, realized that I had been watching too much reality tv, and bought a nuva-ring, as instructed by the

Thank you Butch for clarifying. I was curious about the size of your penis.