junior minty

I have always been fascinated by the insanity of the giant procession/stadium card flipping/gymnastics shit that they do in NK. Nothing but bleak and scary there, and to see it combined with utter frivolous juicehead silliness is disconcerting. Still, I did piss myself at around 1:00 when the high steppers line up to

Or seen her in The Comeback, where she was pretty fucking hilarious, and you never knew if she knew it or not.

Is Olivier for real? Come on PR, it's as if you decided to take the broadest gay stereotypes ("Ewww! Boobs!") and ran with them. Or skipped with them. And Olivier, with his fucked up accent and suspicious back story was edited this week to look like a ridiculous projection of what a gay man looks like to a Long

Fuck the haters. Bitch ain't afraid to call a wig a wig, It's really the internal monologue I have everytime I go home and have to go to church to make mom happy and socialize afterward in the fellowship hall. Ugh. Fuck dem bitchez.

Wrong Josh in the pic above. Joshua Christensen is the one that looks like Uncle Fester. This is the one with the hair gelled to hard streaks.

At least they kept the cheesy animated lightning.

Thanks for the update! I hadn't looked online for it for a while, but I used to look for it regularly when there were still actual music/media/etc brick and mortar stores. When I purged the place a while ago I couldn't bear to toss my VHS, even though my fucking DVD/VHS machine ate the last tape I put into it.

LOVE Roberta Collins, and Reform School Girls is one that I frequently beg people to give a chance to. Almost a remake of Caged, It takes the lingerie as prison uniform trope to ridiculous heights. RSG is ridiculously campy, but doesn't force it in a way that makes the whole enterprise stale.

"You can use denim, or you can use suede, or you can use both"

And the flaying! Oooh the flaying! Love that one! Just don't mix it up with a later sucky "Black Cat" with Bela and some lame family drama at an isolated mansion.

Atwill is really chilling here, and he's great fun in the later Univeral horrors too. Alas, he's a bit too obscure to earn a TCM summer under the stars all day line up. Which sucks ass, because I would readily squat on the sofa and watch Doctor X, Son of Frankenstein, Ghost of Frankenstein, House of Frankenstein,

The horror, the horror
T&T walks a fine line, better than another show that used to be on that I cannot remember about the same subject (maybe on A&E or is it TLC?) that used to really belittle the girls and the parents and focused on a ridiculous queen who ran his own travelling pagents. His schtick was "Wow-wear".

Welcome back Gillian!
We missed you! Now put some meth in your Ozark-haunted songs and really catch up with the times.

Don't forget that this task must be completed while remembering the precise whistles that each child is trained to respond to. Rich bitch nails the execution, but Bert sees the challenge within the challenge, and makes playclothes rather than cocktail dresses with the beautiful patterned curtains hanging in Atlas, the

The Port Authority
does not drain hope. It offers hope for those wishing to escape bald, in-denial, gay mormons who conjure up clothes for the homeless. Talking about wanting to meet a girl and starting a family (while pushing some stranger's kids on a swing)? Not buying it. Maybe he can compromise and tell Jesus that

Am I the only one…
Who thought Tommy ate his parents in the back of the van? Until they dumped the bodies in the slough I was pretty horrified that he had taken things beyond Oedipal

From the chill of my air conditioning
I salute you. Twice.

They're all going to laugh at you!
They're all going to laugh at you!
They're all going to laugh at you!

technically speaking…
A can _is_ an ass, thus the full name of their mini-chain of date-raping parlors: CanzaCiti. Unclear if they are referring to the one in Missouri or Kansas though. Evidentally the hostesses can distress their own denim hotpants, but bedazzling (and visible bevajzzling) is somewhat frowned upon.

Amen! I shouted that last night to Alcide's pubic area. For a werewolf, I must say I was pretty surprised at his generally shaved nether regions. Must everyone be metrosexual?