
Robin has SISTERS??


I don't have words to express how bored this season of Homeland has made me.  Couldn't.  Care.  Less.  I will give the first two or three eps in S03 a go for old times' sake, but the returns on this investment are diminishing rapidly.

I don't have words to express how bored this season of Homeland has made me.  Couldn't.  Care.  Less.  I will give the first two or three eps in S03 a go for old times' sake, but the returns on this investment are diminishing rapidly.

John Teti:  I love you *so much* right now.

John Teti:  I love you *so much* right now.

Oh yeah, and the addition of Kenny Ortega brought the creepy old white men quotient up waaaaaaaay too high.  We can handle Nigel—we've had eight years of him—but this was exponentially more icky (and I teach math, so I'm not just throwing that word around).  Kenny can sub in next time Nigel has to fly to the UK to be

Oh yeah, and the addition of Kenny Ortega brought the creepy old white men quotient up waaaaaaaay too high.  We can handle Nigel—we've had eight years of him—but this was exponentially more icky (and I teach math, so I'm not just throwing that word around).  Kenny can sub in next time Nigel has to fly to the UK to be

I commend you for the quick post!  Lordy, I can't stand Amelia already.  Go Eliana!  Couldn't take my eyes of Chehon—not like that!  His posture. . . it's so upright.  What carriage.

I commend you for the quick post!  Lordy, I can't stand Amelia already.  Go Eliana!  Couldn't take my eyes of Chehon—not like that!  His posture. . . it's so upright.  What carriage.

Frontline has really been on a roll this spring—and this ep is just more fantastic coverage.  I can only hope Aaron Sorkin is watching, so he can see what real reporting looks like. . .

Frontline has really been on a roll this spring—and this ep is just more fantastic coverage.  I can only hope Aaron Sorkin is watching, so he can see what real reporting looks like. . .

Sean O'Neal.  Please never stop writing the Newswire bits.*

Sean O'Neal.  Please never stop writing the Newswire bits.*

David, are you telling us you don't watch REVENGE!!!!!! ?  What's wrong with you?  

Too lazy to read everyone else's posts, so I'm sure this has been said already—but I HATED AUSTIN'S DRESS.  I thought he would go home, until Issac started fawning over him—and then I got nervous.  And rightly so.  What a tool. 

"Their reward is that they get to lead their own WTF wrestling team, which, in typical Drag Race fashion, is more of a punishment than anything else.'

Hello!  Buffy Season 3 Episode 1 ("Anne")—the nurse is giving the names of healthy homeless youth to the demons!  Sooooooo obvs a ripoff.  While this was more. . . graphic (for NBC), I knew as soon as we hit the clinic that they were behind it all.  Curse you, David Greenwalt, BtVS exec producer for S03 & WRITER (!)

People, this show is boring me now.  I will give it through Feb sweeps to get its shit together, and then I am out.  OUT! 

I am posting to up the comments count for @tvoti.  Also, this is the first ep of the season I actually LOL at.  I want my Community back.  In Jan, godammit.