
Clearly supposed to be Christopher Hitchens—right down to the UK accent. 

You rock, Lieutenant Buttocks.  And are 100% correct.  I love it!

I hope this is sarcasm. . .  or were you one of the two people who liked The Killing?

has there been any quality tits since Quinn banged the reporter/Trinity's first daughter?  I mean, sustained quality tits, not the stripper flash we got last week.

I didn't find this episode any worse than any other this season; they've all been uniformly terrible.  As of this writing, this is my last season w Dexter.  I find myself thinking longingly of the final seasons of Six Feet Under, which were a model of taste and restraint—although I thought them hyperbolic, frenzied,

"Dawn and Charles are the worst villains ever. Two-hundred acres to
hide the body of a guy who appears to have had a heart attack, and you
make it look like a murder? And then you leave Jane’s scarf there?"

Too lazy to read comments before I post this—so I'm sure it's been said already—but the "twist" was so obvious, I was Bored throughout the entire episode.  One does not cast Keith Mars as a nebbishy HS teacher who is simply committed to "his" kids—it was so blatantly a misdirect.  I was waiting for Backup to come

I totally agree about the mother-son chemistry.  I did a double-take during that scene on the balcony and was like "that's Daniel??"  A bit too intimate and lover-like, imho

As I said in an earlier thread, I am from Long Island and Declan's accent is not.

OMG, this is totally my own secret theory!

I also thought/still think that CCH Pounder was setting Frank up for something.  I await further developments before putting that foreshadowing to rest. . .

I'm from Long Island, and that accent is pure Boston to these LI ears.  So much for the "native son"/local boy thing.

This was the first ep I found genuinely funny.

Has anyone else noticed that the Garnier person changes from season to season, but it's ALWAYS Collier for the L'Oreal challenge?

Giles does not die at this time, Mq Lafayette.

They are 2 for 2 in the disappointment department.  And no, Todd, I'm not in the second camp of letting go—I just think they're thinking waaaaaay too much about the elements that used to just flow naturally. . . .

I sincerely don't know what to say.  I think this ep sucked.  It was trying waaaaay too hard, and I'm unhappy about the school being broke, everyone forgiving Pierce like this is a no-history soap opera, and all the ham-fisted racist stuff.  My life is exhausting, and I just want to come and spend time with the show I

People, they are Brooklyn hipsters.  Oy.

I concur re: Anya's flowy patterned dresses.  Just like Ulkie (sp?) before her, she will go down—and I'm getting BORED by her repetitive designs.

Jessica is the hottest thing in Bon Temps, and I would weep a river of blood tears if she ever were to perish. Let Sookie die already instead. I know, I know. . . .