
It's been said before, but. . .
This episode is BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD. So bad, there aren't enough As to cover it.

Eggs-cellent investigative work, @Doupraed.

Have we seen her naked? I'm remembering bra in hotel. . .

RESOLVED: "It's pure soap opera at this point." Agreed.

I have also been wondering about this! And where would all the abandoned pets be? They'd be seeking humans and/or feeding on the bodies.

I agree with the dog comment, StVD. I, too, thought they were going someplace unusual with the introduction of the dog (I thought—oh, domesticated animals are still alive and they've figured out how to weaponize them, cool but who would use a golden for that?), but they blew it—and then we *never saw the dog again*

itunes still not updated

Hey David—"belie" don't mean what you think it means
David, my cranky reviewer, you wrote "The baby's here, and he's pulling the heads off of dolls, perhaps belying his EVIL NATURE." But belie means "to put lie to," as in Jane Eyre's plain demeanor belied her passionate/tempestuous nature. Thus, pulling off dolls

folks—they kept Tara around because they need at least ONE MORE PERSON OF COLOR in Louisiana in their not-revolving-enough cast of swamp rats. I mean, my god, by TB & Alan Ball's standards, there are no African-Americans in the deep south. Heck, if it weren't for Bill's origin story, I doubt the civil war or slavery

Give Margaret Cho more to do!
I'm just saying. Her character has grown less central to the show, and that is a crying shame.

I'll take it! I also just flat out enjoy this show and am glad to see the AVC covering it.

I am an idiot—just discovered the "all shows" button for easy adding fun! mes apologies.

move follow button to Overlist
Hey Todd et al.:

We're just a self-selecting sample; if we're interested enough to read a review about a transgender doc (of a famous person's child), we're apparently interested enough to work on negotiating emerging social norms/niceties in a relatively bias-free space. Is that PC-enough for you? Believe me, I can do more, no

Not "her"—him
You need to address trans-identified folks using the pronouns of whatever gender they are presenting (assuming they are presenting as one of two genders). It is not cool that you consistently referred to Chaz as "her" throughout this piece; Chasity was her, Chaz is him.

He was also the homeless guy who wanted Liz and sexpot/on the run from ex-boyfriend Abby whatsit to kiss in the park! Perhaps he'll always be 30 Rock's random homeless guy. . .