
It's a bummer you don't like it, Emily, but I do. You are complaining they haven't answered any questions—but it's only episode 4. And they have: incest—check, magic—check, machinations between rival govt & corporations—check. You review each episode as if the "padding" & "diversions" aren't part of the plan or part

It's the second episode, Emily. I stuck out far worse than this in Westworld. This is starting to feel very Dickensian, horror piled on horror, but they haven't lost me yet. It's fine that you're bored, but I am not.

Will the kids ever go to freaking Epcot?? It's not like it's a long drive from DC!

That would be he biggest gift to viewers ever. Maybe with a happy husband pottering around in the background!

I enjoyed reading this recap more than I enjoyed watching the actual episode. I really think the show is losing steam and spinning its wheels, but you make a nice case here, Chappell, for it still being funny and interesting—at least in the abstract.

I have officially quit the show! Freedom! I shall miss only Mellie.

All the scenes with just Jamal & Hakeem are amazing. Jussie Smollett & Bryshere Gray have such easy, naturally chemistry, I could easily believe they really were brothers.

"Diane remains the best child on television."
Aside from the Belcher children, of course.

You write a nice analysis, Brandon; I feel like I get more from each episode after reading your take this season. Also, I mostly want to smack Patrick, so it's good you approach him more openly than I and make me reconsider his actions. And, yes, I missed Dom this ep, and I also expected you to talk about how this

How is there no A+ available??

This is the first ep that felt draggy to me :-/


I'm out. Just as I abandoned David Tennant when they foisted Donna's ridiculousness on us in S04 back in 2006, this episode has pushed me beyond the limits of endurance—meaningless mysteries piled on top of more meaningless mysterious, actual cruel capriciousness from the least appealing "modern" Doctor, no stakes in

Conspiracy theory? Powerful industrialist pulling presidential strings for their own gain secretly, behind closed doors? Yawn yawn yawn. The last ep took me from feeling that the show was sour & unbelievable but still complusively watchable to: bored bored bored; the one unforgivable sin. Not sure I see any reason to

When in doubt, include a shot of Alison Brie in tight see-through lingere & we will forgive all.

Genuinely thought this was the most consistently funny episode in many moons—until Weekens Update sucked all the air right out of the room. Colin Jost is a totally waste of space; he needs to be retired from performing stat. Michael Che at least has some personality & bite; Jost has a smirk and crossed eyed.

Nit-picky: women's fashion isn't called "bespoke"; it's couture. Now and forever. Bespoke is for men's suits. . . mostly from Savile Row :-p

I wish we knew more about what Amy thought; it bothers me that this is all from Jake's POV.

I am sincerely unsure that this season could be more pointless and/or overwhelmingly stupid.

Hate-watching. To the bitter end.