Viv Savage

He definitely knew beforehand, no doubt. But I bet his initial reaction wasn't too different.

Posted this above but here you go:

I was really hoping he was going to say "I'm voting for Colton. If you don't want to look like an asshole on national television you'll vote for him too." Even if nobody else did it would have probably made him use up his immunity. I guess he really did think that people might vote for Leif to go.

GIF from the challenge.

It's entirely possible I'm confusing the 2 'zans. But yeah he dislikes everyone on the men's tribe.

"Power resides where man believe it resides. It's a trick, a shadow on the wall."

It's possible that was a joke enhanced by editing.

Also, he got tossed after they won the challenge.

People who should be offended by tonight's episode: little people, african-americans, poor people, southerners, gay males, native americans, and comedians.

Hallowed Be Thy Name. Although Number of the Beast is close.

My thought process about the Claire / Gloria storyline.

Am I the only one that likes him MORE for his douchey tweets? I'll take an honest douchebag any day over someone who lets his publicists run his social media accounts.

You know you're in trouble when the drums stop.
What happens when the drums stop?
Bass solo!!

I got tagged in one of the exploding drummer videos that are so popular on dead rock star facebook, next thing you know I'm making drunken posts on Janice Joplin's wall.

I think he meant "buxom". Which is one of my favorite words by the way. I don't think there is another word in the English language that uses the letter combinations "bux" or "xom". Although, yeah, that's not why it's my favorite word.

Everything I know about The Third Man I know from Anthony Bourdain's Vienna episode. The movie features lots of pork products right? I may be confusing things slightly.

Usually this show is best early on and gets worse and worse until the craptastic final "proposal" scene. Courtney is keeping this season lively though, she is a master flirt, it's hilarious how upset that makes the other women and how Ben reacts to her push/pull routine. I fully expect some kind of strangeness with

I tapped out after the first episode. It was OK I suppose but definitely not worth making time for.

Me too but he's got a pretty good batting average of funny ones.

I loved Carolla calling out that Paul Sr, with only two choices, managed to hit 3 minority groups.