Viv Savage

Bear is the meta-Wilfred. Everything Ryan says to Wilfred about Bear is more a statement about himself.

Bear is the meta-Wilfred. Everything Ryan says to Wilfred about Bear is more a statement about himself.

Squash that fucker 'til it's a solid line! Make it LOUDER!

Squash that fucker 'til it's a solid line! Make it LOUDER!

Behold… YouTube!

Behold… YouTube!

I think they were stuffed animals. I bought a bass a couple months ago and that song was one of the first I thought of when making a "bass songs" iTunes list (maybe I shouldn't mention a song from Grease is on it too).

I think they were stuffed animals. I bought a bass a couple months ago and that song was one of the first I thought of when making a "bass songs" iTunes list (maybe I shouldn't mention a song from Grease is on it too).

Guy on Safari, traveling through the jungle, hears some
incredible drumming coming from a distance. The following conversation
ensues with his local guide:

A good bass player can drive the beat sure, but he also knows when to play right on the beat and when to play behind it.

He definitely overplayed a lot early on. Worse, he influenced a horde of slapping and popping idiots.

What I got from that scene was that Louie actually was slightly considering experimenting with Ramon. The joke at the end obviously contradicted that, but especially following last week where he played what was more or less the female role, it seemed somewhat possible.

What I got from that scene was that Louie actually was slightly considering experimenting with Ramon. The joke at the end obviously contradicted that, but especially following last week where he played what was more or less the female role, it seemed somewhat possible.

Ha ha I've played that song at weddings. Worse than that? "Fools Rush In" by Elvis. You should have listened to what the wise men say, idiots!

Ha ha I've played that song at weddings. Worse than that? "Fools Rush In" by Elvis. You should have listened to what the wise men say, idiots!

@avclub-6258e285eeb51b21d01ffe9cb9f9c1d1:disqus Bisexuality is totally a thing. I have a bisexual friend (female) who has set me straight (so to speak) on this subject. Some people are attracted to both sexes just like some people are attracted to only their own sex.

@avclub-6258e285eeb51b21d01ffe9cb9f9c1d1:disqus Bisexuality is totally a thing. I have a bisexual friend (female) who has set me straight (so to speak) on this subject. Some people are attracted to both sexes just like some people are attracted to only their own sex.

I thought it was good. The end was a bit abrupt I suppose, but the overall concept was strong enough to keep me interested - I read it mostly straight through today.

I thought it was good. The end was a bit abrupt I suppose, but the overall concept was strong enough to keep me interested - I read it mostly straight through today.

Your mom does angel dust?