Viv Savage

Not a Seger fan - I hate hate HATE Fire Lake. However I have to give him credit for one of the worst (best) puns in rock.

I'm old school I guess (or just old) but Gangster Gangster by NWA has always been my favorite Ice Cube song.

A leader is important, it's just an incredibly dangerous position to be in so smart people try to avoid becoming one. Just look at the women's attempt to negotiate with the men over the chicken and the fire without a leader speaking for all of them. Having a leader to direct challenges (and choose who will compete)

In the CBS promo shots I think she was the only girl not in a bikini. I can't decide if she rebelled against it or if CBS thought the tattoos were "too edgy" or something.

You know this challenge was put their for the women to win, too. I
guarantee one of the guys would not have been able to cross that balance
beam before the women caught up. They probably won't have any really
physical challenges until after the shuffle but I bet next week the
immunity challenge will favor the men.

Yeah Whitney was a good singer and all but I don't get the huge outpouring compared to other celebs. George Carlin's death was the one that hit me hard.

Speaking of Rupert, I had no idea about this until a day or two ago.

Obviously she is considering a conversion to Pastafarianism.

If all your backups are in one location, it's not backed up.

I got to the end of the commercial; "oh, this is an actual movie!". I would've bet money it was made for TV.

This tasteless cover is a good indicator of the lack of musical
invention within. The musical growth rate of this band cannot even be
charted. They are treading water in a sea of retarded sexuality and bad

Ha ha I looked this up as soon as I started reading the article.

Fair Warning is so fucking heavy and mean it's almost like a different band. Mean Streets has got more attitude than every album of theirs after 1984 put together (and maybe including that one too).

The guitar sounds a bit like 1984 era Eddie, pretty sure he's using that Kramer with the split pickups that he played on "Top Jimmy".

I would not expect someone with that username to be a Leykis fan.

Public TV is showing the Fishbone documentary "Everyday Sunshine" tonight at 6 PST, 9 ET. Very interesting band should be a good one.

It's about computers.

I saw this a couple of times. It had Judd Hirsch in it, right? And also that Kirk guy who was on Justified last night.

Oh hey I just saw that the original recordings were re-released last year. About time!

If I was Daisley I'd be pissed too. He played on two landmark metal albums (uncredited) and HAD HIS PARTS COMPLETELY RE-RECORDED, ruining any print of that record in the last 10 years.