Viv Savage

Well the list is besides the point really, what I'm trying to say is that things weren't any better in the past. If you found some cool music from the 60s, 70s or 80s that's great but there was WAY more crap than quality on the radio back then just like in any other era. I look at the Top 40 list for 25 years ago and

As I watched them send off the bug to find the mole I thought "If I'm living in a world with giant fucking dragonflies I think I would put some screens on the windows".

Yeah that was not in any way believable in a couple of different ways. The obvious one is a piece of metal producing a sound that low. Number two, I'm pretty sure you can hear down to 20 Hz. And C, did he have that tuning fork manufactured? Because even if it's some super future titanium tuning fork I doubt they would

For me it was the editing room cutaway the reviewer didn't like. What topped it was Peter "what are those guys doing up there" line afterwards. Otherwise a very unfunny episode.

Fox Animation -> Hell on Wheels -> Walking Dead (replay) -> Talking Dead.

I think it's an East Coast / West Coast thing. We don't get as much Billy Joel out here either.

"Hi Brad, you know how cute I always thought you were"

Bob Seger wins "best bad pun in classic rock" with Her Strut. But if someone took every copy of "Fire Lake" on earth and burned them in a big pile I would stand and cheer.

My buddy's son is 13 and Nirvana is his favorite band.

In Color is one of my all-time favorite albums. Have you guys hear the re-recorded version that Steve Albini did? Not quite as good as the original but it's really cool to get another perspective on it.

"Was". Now it's "Today's Hit Music".

Pot, meet kettle.

Please take Fastball out of that list of crappy bands!

I'm the previous generation and our music was no better than yours. The good stuff sticks around and the bad stuff doesn't get played as much, so older music seems like it was a higher quality.

I saw Irene Cara (of "Fame" fame) in an Atlantic City casino as a teenager but I always say the Cheap Trick / Saxon concert I saw later that year was my first.

No, no, no! Lesbians drink Coors Light.

PBR is the beer of choice for punk rockers & hipsters in the Northwest.

Even though it was strategically sound gameplay he was pretty dickish
about it; I remember thinking at the time "dude at least pretend to fall

Could Otto be planning a jailbreak? I'm sure they wouldn't let him out of the prison to face Bobby in person, but maybe the two of them could overpower guards and get out somehow (a prison riot is how they usually do these things). Seems a bit of a stretch but it would be a nice twist.

Walkers in the barn are friends and family for sure, and they are the main reason he wants the new group gone. Remember the "no guns" rule he made, he's non-violent and the new people are experienced zombie killers. He expects that they will find out eventually and burn down the barn, killing the "people" he is