Viv Savage

I was hoping for some Pacino from Charlie - the Serpico episode of Sunny is one of my favorites. But his Columbo made up for it.

I've got two hands.

Yep, AV Club why would you want to distract and annoy someone who is ALREADY READING THE CONTENT ON YOUR SITE?

You had me at Guinness.

"Better" than Spinal Tap, nope!

Gilligan had a great theme but what I really love is the little musical bits they threw in during the show.

Thumbs up for Buffy theme song. Love the pick slide breaking into the main theme after the little 4 note intro, it's nice to see a show not afraid to rock out.

I can't pick up a bass without playing the Barney Miller theme.

The party was successful, wouldn't surprise me if it led to some actual work and 720 rises from the ashes (minus free iPads and Detlef Schrempf).

Jeff didn't really care about Pierce much if at all, it was all about Jeff's relationship with his own dad. Brita called it right (well, "edible complex" is close enough).

You mean the sexing from behind.

I'm expecting Horrible Bosses skits.

Usually when one team has the numbers they vote out a couple of the opposing tribe and then before long fracture into sub-groups. So being 7th out of 7 isn't even necessarily true, he might end up being a key swing vote and have power in his new group down the road.

You all know about funny115.com right? So many humorous moments on this show over the years. Maybe not so much in the first season but I still laugh thinking about Rudy doing the memory challenge (v1#56) - "I dunno". There's also a whole entry devoted to Sue's spelling (v1#16).

Self-indulgent caterwauling. I'm far too annoyed by her voice to ever be bored by it.

The fat guy from Herman's Head does a ton of voice-over work and every time I hear him I think of that show. So… yeah, ripe for a reboot.

But that one doesn't have Heather Thomas in a bikini! Try the '82 version.

I was thinking it was some kind of promotion to where Juice would be vote for Clay in the future. The "MoM" patch makes sense though.

I can totally see the similarity between having to review this show and emptying out the rat traps at Paddy's.

I haven't watched the office for the last 2 weeks just so I wouldn't have that awkward 30 minute gap to fill before Sunny. Last night I actually turned the TV off and read a book for an hour.