Viv Savage

Indeed. Can't complain much however 'cause the last couple of Sunny episodes have been fantastic. I could see the concept of that episode being good as a B-story or something, but too much Frank without the rest of the cast just didn't work.

Yeah I'm glad they only showed that cam briefly. I liked the tribe saying afterwards "oh we'll just clean off the spit, it'll be fine!"

Ozzy is a challenge monster and feeds the tribe. Tough sell to lose all that as well as betray your alliance.

Is there a term that's the total opposite of a "strong lead-in"? Like a show that actually lowers the viewing audience of the show BEFORE it?

"My form is perfect - I'm like Jerry Rice. Feel that stride, so fluid and fast. I've got the stride of a gazelle, a beautiful, beautiful gazelle person. My body is achieving a perfect symmetry right now. It's that long, lean muscle I've worked so hard to achieve. I should've popped my shirt off first… godammit, I

I like DOA's response "War on 45". One of my first punk rock records.

It was all a dream
I've always half suspected that his sister didn't give him a placebo, and the entire show is taking place in his head as he is dying / in a coma from a drug overdose.

Always Sunny is the meanest show on TV and also the funniest. But whatever makes the guy do what he does is fine with me if we're getting P&R out of it.

That Union Jack shirt was everywhere in my hometown after Pyromania came out. Hysteria wasn't nearly the same although they got lots of radio play for sure.

REO Speedwagon
And I can't fight this feeling anymore.
I've forgotten what I started fighting for.
It's time to bring this ship into the shore,
And throw away the oars, forever.

Led Zep III is a pretty damn ugly album. That balloon-y logo! The ugly clip art! Ugh. The spinny thing seems like a cool idea but in practice it was stupid. And now with album art being jpegs, that whole aspect of the cover is lost and people will always see it as a static image.

When I was in grade school we had a project on writing directions for making a PB&J sandwich. Pretty simple right? Well the only person that ended up with the correct result (after our teacher deliberately misunderstanding any slightly questionable directions) was the person that wrote to spread the jelly directly

I laugh and then I feel bad about myself for laughing.

Does NBC have options?
In my hometown back in the 70s there was an affiliate swap because of network shows getting preempted or delayed too often by a certain local channel.

What I got out of that article is that people from Utah (and other Red States mentioned) are too stupid to get their porn for free.

So fucking depressing. I can listen to Dark Side, Wish You Were Here, or Animals and still stay in a good mood but The Wall kills any happy in me instantly.

Hoping for some sexual innuendos.

Why did he have Jon grab a lantern instead of the lighting the curtains on fire? It makes him look kind of stupid for burning his hand. You know he's gonna be up North and it'll be cramping up and he'll think "Damn why didn't I just use the handle? I carry a lantern around all the time!"

I like a lot of the songs on there but it's a really harsh sounding record to me; I can't listen to it for very long. Not sure if it's the guitar sound or if everything was smashed to hell in mixing/mastering. Could be both.

No more car exhaust OR OCEAN DUMPAGE. From now on we will travel in tubes!