There are at least 3 hoarder houses in my neighborhood, and that's just what you can see from the outside. I'm not disgusted so much as completely fascinated by it.
There are at least 3 hoarder houses in my neighborhood, and that's just what you can see from the outside. I'm not disgusted so much as completely fascinated by it.
Re: Imprinted in High School. Yeah, that's me. Dogma was really where it clicked for me, though. I even had a Buddy Jesus glued to the dashboard of my shitty Honda.
@Brainstrain91:disqus Fair enough, though I barely ever use Twitter so it's much easier for me (as in, completely obvious) to just not check Twitter until I've watched the episode.
Maybe it's just me but I'd prefer paying attention to the show while I'm watching it, rather than constantly checking Twitter just to affirm that 5 million other people also think Todd's a psychopathic dick.
I've never seen Caddyshack all the way through. I tried to watch it once and it did nothing for me.
I bought 5A through Apple last year, but got 5B through Amazon and I got the credit. By my math I think I'm coming out even?
What @avclub-95d952510e02ffba7fa228e4d43866cb:disqus said. Depending on how many shows you actually watch, it's much cheaper to buy them on an episode-by-episode basis than pay for cable on the same season-long arc.
Not just one writer if that's what you mean. As far as I can tell they're usually pretty good about having writers at least review music that's in their own wheelhouse (people writing reviews of metal bands understand metal, etc.) which is unfortunate since MGMT is ostensibly an electro-pop band, and there's no way…
And I'm baffled that people find it so unthinkable that some of us don't mind paying for things we like. So what? You keep pirating, we'll keep paying, one way or another we're all happy so stop bitching already.
I honestly don't know where I stand. I think the last time I watched it was about 10 years ago. I didn't hate it, but I remember thinking "of course you found this hilarious when you were 13."
Did you really take that comment that seriously?
You clearly were not a teenager in the mid 90s.
I wouldn't disagree with the grade, but only because it's exactly what I would expect AV Club to give an album like this. AV Club music reviews put strong emphasis on "pop" and "fun" (just read the comments), which is already two marks against this album. It really is not accessible, not for everyone, and that's fine.
Ditto here, except I don't like Oracular Spectacular all that much. And I did listen to this one, and it's not that bad. It is much less accessible than Oracular, so don't expect "pop" or "fun" (terms I never associated with MGMT anyway).
Is MGMT the only band where it's okay to say "fuck writing different stuff, just give us another Kids"?
So it's not okay to dislike songs just because they're popular? Smells Like Teen Spirit was an okay song, but don't confuse it's reputation and its quality. Just because it was important and popular doesn't mean everyone has to like it.
Yes! I didn't care much for the songs everyone here loves so much (Kids, Time to Pretend) but Congratulations, as crazy as it is, is the only MGMT album I can listen to (almost) front to back.
"there has to be a good article here about how the internet hivemind decides certain people are okay to hate (read: Nickelback, Dane Cook, etc.) and then channels all of its worst, bullying impulses into those people"
The X-Files mythology was actually interesting at first, though. Government conspiracy and alien cover-ups? Mysterious government goons watching ominously from the background? All that had the beginnings of a great mythology that, with a little planning and restraint, could have made for a great sci-fi story.
Community crashed and burned pretty spectacularly.