
An American Kale


Have a long and extensive console owning life, one that includes buying both the Sega CD and Saturn at launch, I can say that you make a wise decision my friend.

No 6-figure income can replace the sense of belonging that accompanies holding up liqueur stores as a team man…
Err, I mean, you have a brain tumor shitbag!

"We're happy your company is interested in cooperating with us on this project. Just to satisfy my curiosity though, why does your CFO refuse to wear a shirt?"

Oh, The Fake Case is the title of a movie. I thought we were talking about that Louis Vuitton luggage I bought from that nice man on the corner.

You know what it takes to bike against traffic? It takes brass-ball hugging shorts to bike against traffic.

Baby steps. Start with a 56k modem.

Currently, their only groupie is tubgirl. They have repeatedly requested she stop hanging out in their hotel room.

"This is my font…"

Our apologies, the mind-wipe we gave you was apparently a failure.
Feel free to stop by Rekall for a full refund, assuming you can remember where you put the receipt.

I think format has something to do with it as well. Hopkins had to make an immediate and visceral impression in his 16mins on screen. I would say he succeeded.
Mads has the luxury of portraying the role over the course of a series, allowing him to approach it with much more subtlety. imagine if you had to judge mads

Never seen Manhunter, but Chilton is played amazingly in both SoL and the TV series. I guess it's just an easy role to sink your teeth into.

"Wait, Hannibal bro, it's senior year and you still haven't eaten a chicks pussy yet?"

If you live in China or have a VPN that let's your computer think you are it's available in its entirety streaming on youku.

"Shit… I forgot to buy a new lid for the meat blender again!"

For serious! Now my internet joke has no context!
What my AVclub peers must think of me…

To "Macklemore fuck a bitch" is when you have such unsatisfying sex with a woman that she turns gay and marries a same sex partner.

If you can't stand endless yelling I don't recommend coming to real-life China. It's their preferred volume.

Toshiro Mifune was so badass, he shaved his balls with a katana.