
Lil' Kim announcing his new fantasy book series, Game of Thrones.

Unprofessionalism in China?  Thanks guy, for blowing that story wide open.  Up next, a TV series chronicling a group of expats bitching about the air quality.

The 'Perry piñata' is shaped like a ambitious business woman's head.  
Take a swing and revel in the crowds cheers.

Asian critics be all like zisuu.

Ok, I went a little overboard there.  Much as your comment illustrates, sometimes my frustration with the powers that be causes me to lash out unfairly at the general population which are indeed mostly nice, fun people.

"No sir, I didn't like it."

Right, and this disinterest is why China heavily limits the number of western films that come here, pushes their release dates back so they don't compete with Chinese films they want to do well, and strategically releases them all the same weekend so they compete with themselves.

You are using 'fun', 'outgoing' and 'free-minded' very very liberally.  
Also, yes our gov is sometimes stupid, but at least it is transparent.

You could buy it on DVD at any store moments after it was in theaters.

Bad or not, I expect to recieve licensing fees.

Does this mean I can't get free donuts and space coffee anymore?

Are you Nerd Hitler or something?  It sounds like you are advocating a society in which nerds are systematically rounded up and put into Geek Ghettos, where they are steralized and forced to play death sports..

More like 'Booba Felt', right guys?
Also, where is Jabba the Slut?

I'm sure glad there is someone around to finger these companies.  We can't let this jerk off the hook.

China's constant, opressive censorship of any and all artistic expression by a shadowy panel of clueless facists who would prefer the entirety of media to be a exuberant thumbs-up to the party is like, nothing to get worked up about. I totally agree with you that it doesn't deserve mocking.  
Stay harmonious bro!

What if my cross-over action figure series is a Star Wars meets AA meeting mashup?  The "Hi, my names Boba" name tag is an essential part of the theme…

I've laid so much pipe the Center for Disease Control recommends young women get a vaccine for PVC.

Do you mind if I give you notes?

Where's that guy getting his protein shakes?!?