Oh god, I can't follow what he's saying but if I don't laugh everyone will know I didn't get the joke and think I'm dumb why do I even watch Dennis Miller Live I wonder what Dave Lettermans doing right now.
Oh god, I can't follow what he's saying but if I don't laugh everyone will know I didn't get the joke and think I'm dumb why do I even watch Dennis Miller Live I wonder what Dave Lettermans doing right now.
I've never understood
I've never been able to comfortably read on the throne, even from a magazine, or magazine style book.
I loved the two matching shots: Jesse, smashing up the sheet of product, and Skyler, busting out the fettucini.
Hell, even later on, I thought he was cool in Land of the Dead.
Also, I've seen Cool hand luke a hundred times, I had no idea he was in that. His character name rings no bells. Did he have lines?
Unless he reached Hitler-levels of asshole, you just don't speak ill of the dead. At least on on the day he died.
I'm just posting youtube all day
Puke Drunk called it first. This one hits home. I mean, easy rider.
You shut your heretic mouth. Dylan is a modern day Methuselah
How about giving Neverwhere better than the BBC made-for-tv treatment?
I loved the animation in coraline, but whoever adapted the story can eat it. The dialogue, for the most part makes me ashamed to like the movie otherwise.
Is there anything redeemable about that movie? I remember trying to read that book and hating it, so avoided the movie like the plague.
When did Vancouver burn down? Its nice they're rebuilding it.
I expected Freaks and Geeks to be an honest depiction of the 70s? Am I being naive? Any of you want to stop cashing in your social security to chime in here?
Scratch that. I know who Stiles is playing. Its so obvious.
Oh, but I like that one.
Which one are you?
So, I'd like to hear more agruments from women about which sack girl they are. Like if your Samantha thinks she's a Miranda, even though everyone totally knows she's a Samantha because she gave Charlotte's guy a hand job in the coat closet at that one party after only like two peach martinis. Of…
Homer Simpson, smiling politely.
Yeah, I hope they go the forced therapy route. It would be so much better than 'Rita's sister is the new Rita'.
I go out of my way to get people to eat gluten. I've spent many a cold night hiding in behind a dumpster in Soho, wearing a ski mask and gripping a bag of Wonderbread.
Stiles is a scientist hired by Metro Miami Homicide to build a Rita robot inwhich to place deceased Rita's brain. Using the Ritabot, homicide plans to learn who killed the Trinity killer, but when they activate her, the robot can only communicate in a series of sighs and barely audible whispers. It…