
rick. moranis.

Eva Braun will be so upset.

What about..
I wasn't able to catch 'Babies' but I understand it was a documentary.
What lethal threat was Babies about?

Fuck you, I'm sure get him to the Greek will be delightful. I'm also sure Diddy will have 10 minutes of screentime TOPS and doesn't deserve to share the poster with the fat Superbad kid and the british guy women get off on.

I was a man during the film. Every one of you ladies is uninvited from poker night.


I don't know, Pitchfork gave him a B+

You guys remember Zak Effron?

I have another: When the Swan blew up, why did the beach folk say the sky turned purple, when all we saw was white?

They missed out.
"Hello, Shrekster Morgan."

Did we ever find out why Dharma had a station of death gas dedicated to killing life on the island? some kind of endgame against the Others?

It was a bird ghost of Steve.
God, pay attention.


Sugar Honey Iced Tea That My Father Speaks.

Shrek you and Shrek your mom.

So, They had the opportunity to bring back John Lithgow
and they didn't take it?

That role was made for Sarah Jessica Parker. Don't even need to budget for prosthetics.

This seems like a good role for that Justina Bieber gal.

Remarkable people, the Black: musical, very athletic, not very good swimmers, again I'm talking about the family.

Its been years
I still don't get how they did the Hollow Man feeling up. Movie magic?