
That's disappointing. I really liked the websites for the Dibbuk box, which this was based off of, and was hoping for a new spin on it, other than "Oy, its a Jew Demon. L'chaim!"

That's disappointing. I really liked the websites for the Dibbuk box, which this was based off of, and was hoping for a new spin on it, other than "Oy, its a Jew Demon. L'chaim!"

I still shout myself awake at night, screaming "No, Shadow, you HAVE TO GET UP!"

I still shout myself awake at night, screaming "No, Shadow, you HAVE TO GET UP!"

Lance Bass.

Lance Bass.

This new animator is so much better. Love this one!

This new animator is so much better. Love this one!

Damn, and here I was thinking I could coin the phrase 'Chekhov's Ricin'.

Ride into this wooorld….allll aloneeee…
Hey I didn't watch that last season. Blame the Belfast snooze-a-thon. Is it worth catching up on?

Ride into this wooorld….allll aloneeee…
Hey I didn't watch that last season. Blame the Belfast snooze-a-thon. Is it worth catching up on?

Yeah! Fuck you al-Qaeda! We WON the war on Terror! Mission Accomplished! These Zooey Deschannel don't run! 

Yeah! Fuck you al-Qaeda! We WON the war on Terror! Mission Accomplished! These Zooey Deschannel don't run! 

If you want to save yourself time, the winner of this show is clearly The Conquistador, from Zunzi's in Savannah, GA

If you want to save yourself time, the winner of this show is clearly The Conquistador, from Zunzi's in Savannah, GA



Maybe if she used more of those college words on her day job, The Office wouldn't be tanking.

Maybe if she used more of those college words on her day job, The Office wouldn't be tanking.

Yeah. Its terrible, but it came out at just the right age, its ingrained into my memory. I read the headline and immediately started remembering the awful lyrics to Summer Girls.