Oh I just got it.
Oh I just got it.
Tell it, Even Stephens.
I think Gondry's a prissy little twee limp wrist and never want to see another movie with his rampant use of yarn.
Grandfather was at D-day, and is still kicking ass. Isn't too keen on taking about the war, but loves the times around it, meeting grandma, etc.
Oh, you mean like North and South?
But they didn't know about the other universe, because Walternate just revealed it to FD. I guess that one guy had suspected it, but what could the rest of them have thought? that the building, presumably full of bizarrie 'Andrew Jackson' twenties appeared from elsewhere in their universe?
Team Red Fringe Division
So, FD on the Red Team Universe thinks everything that comes through is natural?
You'd have to pick which one firs-Ohh…
Frogurt flashbacked to the island the moment he felt his hand.
It was more awesome that Neal Schweiber served up his meal. I guess the Frat thing didn't work out for him.
This also drove me nuts. They already have a well. And a statue. and a lighthouse.
They ruined my hilarious mental image of all the Others hiding in the tree-branches going "Psshh Shhhp Psssh Shhhp"
I was kind of expecting her to die, but was delighted it was in such a non-confrontation. Everything about her character has been a retread. She's like an Other-version of Anna Lucia, but only really introduced in the last season, so I really don't care about her.
Why can't I get into Life and times of Tim? Loved home movies, can't stand this though.
I went for so long pronouncing it "Arlie Dollar sign Dollar sign"
MacFarlane really needs to go back and make more Spawn.
anyone else piecing together the rest of the season from the titles of the episodes, a la Season 2's "747 Down Over ABQ"?
I was so disappointed, in the previews, I saw Hank pushing another, thinner bald guy into a glass window. They made me think it was walt.
Ghost of NPH past