
Welp, That's all I got…

Thisguy said what I was noticing, how Jack is a much better character at this point. He's evolved beyond this whiny boy scout to someone who's wearily put his faith in the island and is confident in it. He's become the Locke of the 6th season.

Reiterating the pissyness at the V countdown. ESPECIALLY the scene with Sun translating via a notepad.
One we're supposed to read to follow.
That's totally covered by that damn graphic.
It just really drives m-V THEY RETURN 14:38

How many Old Folks homes have Ouija boards?

Yeah, there was something bizarre and digital about that pizza's trajectory.

The fact that its different from Band of Brothers is why I'm watching.
And Carnivale too, I guess.

Is this anything like the Smiths?

Yeah, careful of you'll get sued by the Frisbee folks. That's what happened to Don Bluth.

Why are Roger and Don prettier than the womenfolk?

Do I have to be the asshole who pulls up the Paula Deen doughnut burger video?

I've always expected Faraday to return in a non-alterna role, because there was so much emphasis that Desmond was his constant.

Chevy's probably set for awhile. He don't need no punk ass sitcom.

I thought we were supposed to be paralleling the first season here. where's my Shannon-centric episode!?

Ditto on thinking it was Beck Hanson.
Why would anyone thing Beck was fake? Especially in 1999?

I'd watch 44 minutes of 'couzin, bowling'!

Watching that video, I'm sure I couldn't handle a game where you play a dad badass enough to jump infront of a car, but pansy ass enough not to get his kid to stand still while he pays for a damn balloon.

I can't remember, was Betty the slutty golden girl? or was that the redhead? So, if Bea arthur was Blossom and the redhead was bubbles, was Betty Buttercup?

Don't leave me here with Mrs. Petrovik!

God doesn't check his mail, just uses His beeper. Just wait for his page.