I'd like to od on valium with her. She seems like she'd be cool.
I'd like to od on valium with her. She seems like she'd be cool.
Wayne Knight still has costanza beat on weight loss.
JJ and Wanda's parents are a whole new level of creepy. I feel like if that mother got me in a hug, I'd just kind of sink into the folds until I found razor sharp teeth.
How many episodes will this show need to fulfill its Entourage:Williamsburg destiny?
Are you guys talking about the Shins in here?
Oh, its sarcasm?!
Damn, I just got my street urchin too.
I liked Concords until I saw a hipster laying on the floor of an airport watching it on his laptop.
Yeah, just started K&C a few weeks ago, already think its way better than Yiddish Policeman's Union, but was shockingly dissappointed by no perfectly painted Hitler knockout on the cover.
Those two crappy cops
in the first season they had those two shitty lazy cliche cops who sat around, liked donuts and were waiting it out for retirement. I remember the one got hurt and put on paid leave through his retirement, did the other ever end up taking the fall down those stairs like he planned?
It was…
Who's in 'the Cable news'?
Regional Manager dance off.
One more reason to be Ernie Hudson. Nobody hates Ernie Hudson.
(Only kids can see him.)
Oh shit, I've always wanted a Sharky tattoo.
Your art school sounds cooler than mine was. Only thing people did that with was Naruto.
and their art sucked.
I find that scene very unclear. Who gets the rim-job?
This must be why people didn't like that movie.
This new spiderman will be directed by Gus Van Sant, and concentrate on the changing relationship between peter and harry.
Our heavenly father will find a way for Twister 2 to be made. No man can deny the prophet.
You may be onto something. There's a VHS in the season 5 DVD of Lost too.